BY FC Bereza

Go to Tournament - Season


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerEnglandBellingham3.9 (9)
My Line-upArsenal by Frank
match Millos - Tolima3.0 (1)
My Line-upFulham by mutsika Eddie
coachNLvan Zijtveld5.0 (2)

FC Bereza Injured Players in Kubok of Belarus 2009/2010

Tournament dates: 12-Jul-09 to 31-May-10

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    BY Kubok of Belarus 2009/2010

B Grodno - Baranov. - BATE - Belshina - Bereza - D Brest - D.Minsk - Dnepr - DSK - E BGU Msk - Gomel - Gorodeya - Granit - Khimik Gr - Khimik Sv - Klechesk - Kobrin - Komm. Sl - Lida - Livadiya - MGUP - Minsk - Miory - MK Vitebs - Molodech. - Naftan - Neftyanik - Neman - Neman Mt - Orsha - Osipovich - Partizan - Polotsk - Rudensk - Shakhtyor - SKVICH - Slaviya - Slutsk - Smorgon - Spartak S - Torpedo - Torpedo M - Vedrich - Veras - Vertikal - Vitebsk - Volna - Zhlobin