BR Ferroviária-SP

Fonte Luminosa, Araraquara, São Paulo

Go to Tournament - Season




Last Visitors Ratings:
playerEnglandBellingham4.0 (10)
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

Ferroviária-SP Injured Players in Brasileirao Feminino 2023

Tournament dates: 24-Feb-23 to 30-Sep-23

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    BR Brasileirão Feminino 2023

At.-MG - At.-PR - Bahia - Ceará - Cor hians - Cruzeiro - Ferro-SP - Flamengo - Grêmio - Inter - Kinderman - Palmeiras - Real - Real Ariq - Santos - São Paulo