AO CRD Libolo

Estádio Municipal, Calulo

Go to Tournament - Season

CRD Libolo


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerNLTimber3.5 (2)
coachPTJoão Pereira, (1984)5.0 (5)
coachPTJoão Pereira, (1984)5.0 (5)
coachPTJoão Pereira, (1984)5.0 (5)
coachPTJoão Pereira, (1984)5.0 (5)

Squad Changes between 25-Nov-16 and 25-Nov-17
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

AO Boka, FilhoDF30 in 01-Jan-17
AO De PaizoDF26 in 01-Jan-17
BR Fabricio SimõesFW32 in 01-Jan-17from AOPetro Atlético
AO PaizinhoFW34 in 01-Jan-17
AO CharaMF35 in 01-Jan-17from AOPetro Atlético
AO CelsonMF30 in 01-Jan-17
AO HiginoMF22 in 01-Jan-17
AO Nandinho, MacamoMF31 in 01-Jan-17
AO CabibiMF24 in 01-Jan-17
AO DárioMF34 in 01-Jan-17
AO LuvungaMF28 in 01-Jan-17
AO Viet, InácioMF26 in 01-Jan-17
CG Boukama-KayaMF24 in 01-Jan-17

BR Luiz PhellypeFW23 out 31-Dec-16to PTPaços de Ferreira
BR WiresMF34 out 31-Dec-16
PT ErivaldoFW23 out 13-Jan-17to PTDesportivo das Aves
BR Fabricio SimõesFW32 out 22-Aug-17to CYAlki Oroklini
PT Hélio RoqueMF31 out 30-Aug-17to CYNea Salamina Famagusta

    caf CAF Confederation Cup 2017

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