SE Gefle IF

Gavlevallen, Gävle

Go to Tournament - Season

Gefle IF



Last Visitors Ratings:
match Tolima - ANacional3.0 (1)
My Line-upTottenham by 09056112072
My Line-upTottenham by Cody
My Line-upMan.Utd by Isaac
My Line-upPSG by 09056112072

Squad Changes between 28-Oct-06 and 28-Oct-07
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

SE DahlénDF24 in 01-Jan-07from SEIFK Norrköping
PL StolpaFW24 in 01-Jan-07from SEEnköpings SK
SE Hansson, MMF17 in 01-Jan-07
SE GrimDF23 in 06-Apr-07
SE OremoFW20 in 06-Apr-07
SE ÖsterbergMF23 in 06-Apr-07
SE LanttoMF19 in 06-Apr-07

SE WikströmDF29 out 05-Nov-06to SEÖrebro SK
EE ViikmäeFW28 out 05-Nov-06to EEFC Flora Tallinn
SE MattssonFW28 out 05-Nov-06to SEGIF Sundsvall
SE JallowFW25 out 09-Nov-06to SEIK Sirius
SE BojentDF26 out 31-Dec-06to SEAIK
CD MakondeleFW24 out 28-Aug-07to SEHelsingborgs IF

    SE Allsvenskan 2007

AIK - Örebro - BP - Djurgård. - Elfsborg - GAIS - Göteborg - Gefle - Halmstad - Hammarby - Helsingbo - Kalmar - Malmö - Trellebor