RO FC Hermannstadt

Stadionul Municipal (Sibiu), Sibiu

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FC Hermannstadt



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Wed Feb.05 - Liga I - CFR Cluj vs Hermnstdt - Your Prediction?

FC Hermannstadt Yellow and Red Cards in Romanian Liga I 2024/2025

Sent off MinGame
BG Ivanov, Antoni5418-Oct-24 FC Gloria Buzău 3 - FC Hermannstadt 0

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
BG Ivanov, Antoni147
LU Selimović, V-44
RO Balaure-33
IT Murgia-33
RO Bejan-22
RO Neguţ, C-22
RO Stoica, II-22
RO Găman-11
RO Căbuz-11
PT Tiago Gonçalves, (2000)-11
RO Buş, S-11
RO Chiţu-11
RO Căpușă-11
RO Biceanu-11
RO Oroian-11
RO Popescu, R-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)12932

    RO Liga I 2024/2025

Botoşani - CFR Cluj - Craiova - Dinamo - Farul - FC Buzău - FCSB - Hermnstdt - Iași - Oţelul - Petrolul - Rapid - Sepsi - U Cluj - USlobozia - UTA Arad