SE Jönköpings Södra IF

Stadsparksvallen, Jönköping

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Jönköpings Södra IF



Last Visitors Ratings:
refereeEnglandHooper1.2 (346)
My Line-upArsenal by Linus
My Line-upR.Madrid by Neymar
My Line-upOrlando by Omp
My Line-upLiverpool by Prosper

Squad Changes between 24-Oct-08 and 24-Oct-09
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

SE Avdic, EDF22 in 01-Jan-09
SI HojanDF22 in 01-Jan-09
BR Ricardo SantosFW22 in 01-Jan-09loan from SEÅtvidabergs FF
SE RedoFW27 in 01-Jan-09
BR SacramentoFW21 in 01-Jan-09loan from SEKalmar FF
SE HallinGK16 in 01-Jan-09
SE Svensson, JesMF19 in 01-Jan-09
Northen Ireland SmylieMF23 in 01-Aug-09loan from SEKalmar FF

SE SöderbringDF27 out 31-Dec-08to SEIK Sirius
BR Ricardo SantosFW22 out 10-Jul-09to SEKalmar FF

    SE Superettan 2009

Assyriska - Ängelholm - Åtvidaber - Falkenber - Jönköpin - Landskron - Lj gskile - Mjällby - Norrköpin - Qviding - Sirius - Sundsvall - Syrianska - Trollhätt - Vasalund - Väsby Utd