PL KKPK Medyk Konin

Miejski Im. Złotej Jedenastki, Konin

Go to Tournament - Season

KKPK Medyk Konin


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerBRLeo Afonso1.0 (1)
refereeEnglandMather1.0 (2)
My Line-upArsenal by Aka arsenal fan Branton Ndegwa
My Line-upExcelsior by Branton ndegwa
My Line-up

KKPK Medyk Konin Analysis at Womens Champions League 2014/2015

Players to watch
2 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


PL Szymanska (2)

Right backs [ ?]

PL Grzywińska (2)
Centre backs [ ?]

HR Hercigonja-Moulton (2)
BG Slavcheva (2)
Left backs [ ?]

PL Konat (2)
Right midfielders

PL Sikora (2)
Centre midfielders

PL Balcerzak (2)
PL Pakulska (2)
PL Pajor (2)
Left midfielders

HR Žigić (2)

PL Gawrońska (2)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Jaszczak since 01-Jul-14
M.108-Oct Glasgow2-04-2-3-1
M.215-Oct away Glasgow3-04-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    uefa Womens Champions League 2014/2015

Apollon - Barcelona - BIIK - Brøndby - Brescia - Bristol C - FK Gintra - Fortuna H - Frankfurt - Glasgow - Konin - Linköping - Liverpool - Lyon - MTK - Mura - Neul ach - Osijek - Ouriense - PSG - Raheny U - Rosengård - Ryazan - Slavia - Sparta - Stabæk - Stjarnan - Torres - Twente - Wolfsburg - Zurich - Zvezda Pm