HK Kitchee SC

Mong Kok Stadium, Kowloon

Go to Tournament - Season

Kitchee SC

Hong Kong Barça


Last Visitors Ratings:
coachESAnquela3.0 (1)
coachDEPfeiffer4.8 (24)
coachEnglandDerry3.0 (1)
coachITBarzagli3.0 (1)
coachNLLokhoff3.0 (1)

Kitchee SC Injured Players in AFC Cup 2016

Tournament dates: 23-Feb-16 to 05-Nov-16

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    afc AFC Cup 2016

Ahli Khal - Al Ahed - Al Hidd - Al-Jaish - Al-Oruba - Al-Quwa - Al-Wahda - Al-Wasat - Al-Wehdat - AltynAsyr - Ayeyawady - Balestier - Bengaluru - Dhahiriya - Faisaly - Fanja - Istiklol - JDT - Kaya - Kitchee - LaoToyota - M Bagan - Maziya - Muharraq - RadiantSC - S Jamal - SCAA - Selangor - TampinesR - Tripoli - Utd City - Yangon