IT Lanusei

Go to Tournament - Season



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coachFRSablé5.0 (23)
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coachFRSablé5.0 (23)
coachFRSablé5.0 (23)

Lanusei Analysis at Coppa Italia 2019/2020

Players to watch
0 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


Right backs [ ?]

Centre backs [ ?]

Left backs [ ?]

Right midfielders

Centre midfielders

Left midfielders


See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Gardini since 01-Jul-18
M.104-Aug away Potenza2-0         lineup not confirmed
    Coach Greco since 16-Jun-20
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    IT Coppa Italia 2019/2020

Adriese - Alessandr - Arezzo - Ascoli - Atalanta - Benevento - Bologna - Brescia - Cagliari - Carpi - Carrarese - Casertana - Catania - Catanzaro - Cavese - Chievo - Cittadella - Cosenza - Cremonese - Crotone - Empoli - F.Salò - Fanfulla - Fasano - Fermana - Fiorentina - Frosinone - Genoa - H.Verona - Imolese - Inter - J. Stabia - Juventus - Lanusei - Lazio - Lecce - Livorno - LRVicenza - Mantova - Matelica - Milan - Monopoli - Monza - Napoli - Novara - Padova - Parma - Perugia - Pescara - Piacenza - Pisa - Ponsacco - Pordenone - Potenza - Pro Patria - PVercelli - Ravenna - Reggina - Rende - Roma - Salerntna - Samb - Sampdoria - Sanremese - Sassuolo - Siena - Spal - Spezia - Sudtirol - Torino - Trapani - Triestina - Turris - Udinese - V.Entella - V.Francav - Venezia - Viterbese