IT Latina

Domenico Francioni, Latina

Go to Tournament - Season


Leone Alato


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coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)

Sat Mar.22 - Serie C - Sorrento vs Latina - Your Prediction?

Latina Yellow and Red Cards in Serie C 2021/2022

Sent off MinGame
IT Amadio, Stefano8630-Oct-21 Latina 1 - Fidelis Andria 0
IT Marcucci, A3229-Aug-21 Palermo 2 - Latina 0
IT Amadio, Stefano7122-Dec-21 Latina 1 - Palermo 0
IT Mascia, F9413-Mar-22 Fidelis Andria 1 - Latina 1

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
IT Amadio, Stefano2410
IT Esposito, A-1010
IT Teraschi-1010
IT Di Livio, L-88
IT Giorgini, A-88
IT Barberini-88
IT Tessiore-66
IT Ercolano, E-55
IT Marcucci, A114
IT Carissoni-44
IT Carletti-44
IT Mascia, F1-3
IT Spinozzi-33
IT Palermo, M-33
BR Jéffe-33
IT Sarzi Puttini-33
IT Celli, Alessandro (1997)-33
IT D'Aloia-22
IT Rosseti-22
IT De Santis, E-22
IT Nicolao, G-11
IT Cardinali, M-11
SN Sane, A (2000)-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)492104

Red cards conceded against Latina

Sent off
IT Martino, P
IT Carriero
IT Pelagotti
IT Buttaro
IT D'Angelo, M
IT Bontà
IT Spina
IT Silvestri, L

    IT Serie C 2021/2022

ACMessina - Albinolef - Ancona - Avellino - AZPicerno - Bari - Carrarese - Catania - Catanzaro - Cesena - Cmpobasso - F enzuola - F.Andria - F.Salò - Fermana - Foggia - Giana - Grosseto - Gubbio - Imolese - J. Stabia - Juve U23 - Latina - Lecco - Legnago - Lucchese - Mantova - Mntvarchi - Modena - Monopoli - Monterosi - Olbia - Padova - Paganese - Palermo - Per ttese - Pescara - Piacenza - Pistoiese - Pontedera - Potenza - Pro Patria - Pro Sesto - PVercelli - Reggiana - Renate - Seregno - Siena - Sudtirol - Taranto - Teramo - Trento - Triestina - Turris - V. Pesaro - V. Verona - V.Entella - V.Francav - Vibonese - Viterbese