SE FC Rosengård

Malmö IP, Malmö

Go to Tournament - Season

FC Rosengård


Last Visitors Ratings:
My Line-upTottenham by 09056112072
My Line-upTottenham by Cody
My Line-upMan.Utd by Isaac
My Line-upPSG by 09056112072
match Man.City - Man.Utd5.0 (1)

Squad Changes between 10-Nov-23 and 09-Nov-24
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

Scotland Lynn, SGK38 in 13-Nov-23from SEVittsjö GIK
FI Hartikainen, ADF20 in 01-Jan-24from FIKuopion Palloseura
SE Lindblom, JFW22 in 01-Jan-24from SETrelleborgs FF
SE EnehovMF16 in 01-Jan-24
SE Sjöström, FMF in 01-Jan-24
JP TanikawaMF18 in 11-Jan-24loan from DEBayern München
SE EnehovMF16 in 01-Jun-24from SEFC Rosengård
SE KullashiFW24 in from ITSassuolo
BE MaravallMF17 in
SE PoloženGK21 in 09-Jul-24from SETrelleborgs FF
SE SprungFW19 in 01-Aug-24from SEFC Rosengård

SE Persson LundgrenDF21 out 31-Dec-23to SETrelleborgs FF
Scotland Brown, FionaFW29 out 31-Dec-23to ScotlandGlasgow City LFC
DK ObazeDF21 out 07-Jan-24to USPortland Thorns
SE EnehovMF16 out 31-May-24to SEFC Rosengård
DK BredgaardFW22 out 31-Jul-24to ITFiorentina
SE SprungFW19 out 31-Jul-24to SEFC Rosengård
SE PoloženGK21 out 21-Aug-24to CZSparta Praha
SE KullashiFW24 out 22-Aug-24to ITInter Milan
SE MukasaGK22 out 01-Sep-24loan to DKBrøndby IF

    SE Damallsvenskan 2024

AIK - Örebro - BP - Djurgård. - Hammarby - Häcken - Krstad - Linköping - Norrköpin - Piteå - Rosengård - Trellebor - Växjö - Vittsjö