England Liverpool

Anfield, Liverpool

Go to Tournament - Season


The Reds


Last Visitors Ratings:
linesmanEnglandMatadar5.0 (2)
playerHRModrić4.4 (60)
playerFRMbappé4.3 (43)
playerUYValverde4.7 (3)
playerBRVinícius Jr4.3 (6)

Wed Mar.05 - Champions League - PSG FR vs England Liverpool - Your Prediction?

Liverpool Yellow and Red Cards in Champions League 2014/2015

Sent off MinGame
YU Marković, L6009-Dec-14 Liverpool 1 - FC Basel 1

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
YU Marković, L1-3
ES Alberto Moreno, (1992)-22
SK Škrtel-11
IT Balotelli-11
England Gerrard-11
BR Lucas Leiva-11
HR Lovren-11
England Sterling, R-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)1811

    uefa Champions League 2014/2015

A.Madrid - Ajax - Anderlcht - APOEL - Arsenal - Athletic - Barcelona - Basel - BATE - Bayern - Benfica - Chelsea - CSKA - Dortmund - Gsaray - Juventus - Leverkusn - Liverpool - Ludogrets - Malmö - Man.City - Maribor - Monaco - Olympiacs - Porto - PSG - R.Madrid - Roma - Schalke - Shakhtar - Sporting - Zenit