Scotland Livingston FC

The Energy Assets Arena, Livingston

Go to Tournament - Season

Livingston FC

Livi Lions


Last Visitors Ratings:
linesmanEnglandMatadar5.0 (2)
playerHRModrić4.4 (60)
playerFRMbappé4.3 (43)
playerUYValverde4.7 (3)
playerBRVinícius Jr4.3 (6)

Wed Mar.05 - Scottish Championship - Livingstn vs Raith - Your Prediction?

Livingston FC Injured Players in Scottish Cup 2021/2022

Tournament dates: 21-Aug-21 to 21-May-22

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    Scotland Scottish Cup 2021/2022

Aberdeen - Annan - Arbroath - Celtic - Dundee - Dundee U - Hearts - Hibernian - K. Hearts - Livingstn - Mothrwell - Partick - Peterhead - Raith - Rangers - St Mirren