IT Lupa Roma

Olindo Galli, Tivoli, Rome

Go to Tournament - Season

Lupa Roma

la lupa


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match ANacional - Tolima3.0 (1)
My Line-upMan.Utd by * said
My Line-upLiverpool by Abdullah Lawal
My Line-upBlasters by Zayan

Lupa Roma Injured Players in Lega Pro Playoffs 2016

Tournament dates: 14-May-16 to 12-Jun-16

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    IT Lega Pro Playoffs 2016

Albinolef - Alessandr - Aquila - Bassano - Casertana - Cuneo - Foggia - Ischia - Lecce - Lupa RM - Macerata - Mantova - Martina - Melfi - Monopoli - Pisa - Pordenone - Prato - Pro Piace - Rimini