SK MFK Ružomberok

Pod Čebraťom Stadion, Ružomberok

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MFK Ružomberok



Last Visitors Ratings:
playerDEStange4.0 (1)
coachFRSablé5.0 (23)
coachFRSablé5.0 (23)
coachFRSablé5.0 (23)
coachFRSablé5.0 (23)

MFK Ružomberok Yellow and Red Cards in Slovak Superliga 2012/2013

Sent off MinGame
SK Dubek8915-Sep-12 MFK Ružomberok 0 - FK Senica 2

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
SK Dubek147
CD Mukendi, Mulumba-55
SK Nosek-22
SK Maslo, P-22
SK Kotora-22
SK Praznovsky-22
SK Gressak-11
SK Bielak-11
SK Lupták-11
CZ Zich-11
SK Serecin-11
SK Gerec-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)12326

Red cards conceded against MFK Ružomberok

Sent off
SK Vlasko

    SK Slovak Superliga 2012/2013

FC ViOn - FK Dukla - Košice - Myjava - Nitra - Ružomberk - S.Trnava - Senica - SK Slovan - Tatran - Trenčín - Žilina