IT Mantova

Danilo Martelli, Mantua

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Sat Mar.29 - Serie B - Mantova vs Sudtirol - Your Prediction?

Mantova Injured Players in Lega Pro Girone B 2016/2017

Tournament dates: 27-Aug-16 to 07-May-17

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    IT Lega Pro Girone B 2016/2017

Albinolef - Ancona - Bassano - F.Salò - Fano - Forlì - Gubbio - Lumezzane - Macerata - Mantova - Modena - Padova - Parma - Pordenone - Reggiana - S.Arcange - Samb - Sudtirol - Teramo - Venezia