PE Pirata FC

Municipal de la Juventud, Chongoyape

Go to Tournament - Season

Pirata FC

El Pirata


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerYUBabić3.5 (4)
My Line-upMan.City by OKUMU ROBERT
My Line-upMan.Utd by Wakeel
My Line-upRangers by John Cameron
My Line-upR.Madrid by Winning xi

Squad Changes between 17-Sep-21 and 17-Sep-22
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

PE Zapata, Jhan PierreFW20 in 20-Sep-21from PECienciano
PE Rodríguez, RoyFW18 in 20-Sep-21from PEFC Carlos Stein
PE Barrantes, DFW18 in 01-Jan-22
CU Cruz, José (1997)GK24 in 01-Jan-22from PEComerciantes Unidos
PE Asenjo, AMF20 in 01-Jan-22
PE Peralta, JMDF18 in 01-Feb-22
PE Villalobos, JoséFW22 in 01-Feb-22from PEUniversidad Técnica Cajamarca
PE Zúñiga, JeffersonFW22 in 01-Feb-22
PE Vásquez, ÓscarDF23 in 01-Mar-22from PEUnión Deportiva Parachique
PE Valdivia, JDF26 in 01-Mar-22from PEComerciantes Unidos
PE OlanoFW20 in 01-Mar-22from PEU. Cesar Vallejo
PE Jiménez, JorgeFW22 in 01-Mar-22from PEAtlético Chalaco
PE CarazasFW34 in 01-Mar-22from PEComerciantes Unidos
PE Santillán, EFW25 in 01-Mar-22from PECredicoop San Román
PE Torres, Gustavo (1995)MF26 in 01-Mar-22from PECredicoop San Cristóbal
PE Dávila, CMF25 in 01-Mar-22from Unattached
PE Leyva, JDF25 in 10-Mar-22from PEEstudiantes de Túcume
UY García, Andrés (1995)FW26 in 15-Mar-22from UYLa Luz
PE Sánchez, GianmarcoGK29 in 22-Mar-22from PECredicoop San Cristóbal
PE Cabrera, DFMF24 in 23-Mar-22from PELos Chankas
MX Cruz EsparzaDF27 in 31-Mar-22from Unattached
PE Cáceres, RenzoGK38 in 01-Apr-22from Unattached
PE Alva, PMF25 in from Unattached
CO Cardona, BMF24 in from Unattached
PE León, BHDF27 in 07-Jul-22from PEDeportivo Llacuabamba
AR Agüero, LFW25 in 09-Jul-22from ARHuracán Las Heras
PE Neira, JuanMF27 in 11-Jul-22from PELos Chankas

PE CúneoDF19 out 30-Dec-21to PEDeportivo Coopsol
PE ZetaFW28 out 30-Dec-21to PEDeportivo Binacional
PE UgarelliMF21 out 30-Dec-21to PEUniversidad de San Martín de Porres
PE Timaná, HDF21 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
PE Guzmán, PDF22 out 31-Dec-21to PEUniversitario de Deportes
PE Duarte, NDF31 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
PE Aragón, FabrizzioDF21 out 31-Dec-21to PESport Chavelines
PE Kaufman, MDF20 out 31-Dec-21to PEAlianza Lima
PE Gadea, ADF18 out 31-Dec-21to PEDeportivo Coopsol
PE Jaramillo, JohanFW21 out 31-Dec-21
PE Rodríguez, RoyFW18 out 31-Dec-21to PEFC Carlos Stein
PE RoachFW29 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
PE Carnero, AFW23 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
PE Perleche, DFW18 out 31-Dec-21to PECusco Fútbol Club
PE Campos, AccelFW24 out 31-Dec-21to PEDeportivo Binacional
PE Torres, WhilderGK27 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
AR Thomas, FrancoGK28 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
PE Garrido, RichardGK20 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
PE Duque, LuisMF20 out 31-Dec-21to PEAlianza Atletico
PE MujicaMF26 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
PE de la Cruz, RobertoMF24 out 31-Dec-21to BRRio Preto EC
PE Salgado, MilkoMF23 out 31-Dec-21to Unattached
PE Olórtegui, AMF21 out 31-Dec-21
PE Bardales, RMF19 out 31-Dec-21to PEUniversitario de Deportes
PE CarazasFW34 out 26-Apr-22to Unattached
UY García, Andrés (1995)FW26 out

    PE Torneo Promoción y Reservas 2022

A Sullana - A. Ugarte - ADT - Ali. Lima - Alian UDH - Atl. Grau - Ayacucho - Binaciona - C. Stein - C. Unidos - Cantolao - Chankas - Chaveline - Cienciano - Comercio - Coopsol - Cusco - Huancayo - Huaral - J. Aurich - Llacuabam - Mannucci - Melgar - Municipal - Pirata - S Cristal - Santos - Sp. Boys - UCV - Universit - USMP - UTC