VE Monagas

Monumental, Maturin

Go to Tournament - Season




Last Visitors Ratings:
playerYUBabić3.5 (4)
My Line-upMan.City by OKUMU ROBERT
My Line-upMan.Utd by Wakeel
My Line-upRangers by John Cameron
My Line-upR.Madrid by Winning xi

Squad Changes between 13-Dec-11 and 12-Dec-12
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

VE Rodríguez, Adrián (1987)DF24 in 01-Jan-12
CO Cabezas, JFFW28 in 01-Jan-12from COAmérica de Cali
VE Sánchez, NMF36 in 01-Jan-12from VEYaracuyanos
CO UlloqueMF26 in 01-Jan-12from COSanta Fe
VE Zamora, CiroGK22 in 01-Feb-12from VEDeportivo Miranda
VE Bracho, LDF22 in 01-Mar-12
VE LujanoDF21 in from VEDeportivo La Guaira
VE Alfaro, DDF20 in
CO Muriel, JuanDF23 in from COPatriotas
VE Boada, ADF30 in loan from VEDeportivo La Guaira
VE Cordero, OFW27 in loan from VEMineros de Guayana
VE Padilla, LeandroFW20 in
CO Rentería, VFW26 in from VETucanes de Amazonas
VE González, Andrés (1990)GK22 in
VE Arocha, EMF22 in
VE Quintana, JMF19 in
VE Sosa, MiguelMF22 in from VETrujillanos
UY Aldave, BFW28 in 20-Jul-12from CODeportivo Pasto
VE Moreno, JDMF29 in 20-Jul-12from CODeportivo Pasto

CO Briceño, DDF26 out 30-Dec-11to COJunior
VE Díaz PradoGK29 out 30-Dec-11to VETrujillanos
CO Hinestroza, AMF23 out 30-Dec-11to CODeportivo Cali
VE BoadaDF34 out to VEDeportivo Lara
VE Quijada, RDF23 out to VECaracas
CO Briceño, OFW26 out to VEMineros de Guayana
VE Zamora, CiroGK22 out to VEAtlético Venezuela
CO OcoroMF29 out
CO UlloqueMF26 out to COOrsomarso SC
VE Fasciana, LMF21 out

    conmebol Copa Sudamericana 2012

Arg.Jrs - Atl-GO - Aurora - Bahia - Barcelona - Blooming - Boca - Botafogo - C.Largo - CD Lara - Cerro - Cobreloa - Colón - Comercio - Coritiba - D. Quito - Danubio - Emelec - Envigado - Equidad - Figuei se - Grêmio - Guaraní - Indepte - Inti Gas - Iquique - L.Huánuco - LDU Loja - Liverpool - Millos - Mineros - Monagas - Nacional - OHiggins - Olimpia - Oriente P - Palmeiras - Racing - São Paulo - Tacuary - Táchira - Tigre - Tolima - U.C. - U.Chile - U.Sucre - USMP