CL Deportes Iquique

Tierra de Campeones, Iquique, Tarapacá

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Deportes Iquique



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playerUSEbobisse3.5 (2)
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My Line-upArsenal by Frank
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Sat Mar.08 - Primera División - Iquique vs Palestino - Your Prediction?

Deportes Iquique Yellow and Red Cards in Chile Primera Division 2019

Sent off MinGame
CL Blázquez, M5517-Oct-19 Universidad de Chile 2 - Deportes Iquique 1
CL Donoso, M8902-Mar-19 Deportes Iquique 1 - O'Higgins 3

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
CL Donoso, M1811
AR Miño, JP-1010
CL Blázquez, M158
CL Zenteno-55
AR Imperiale, A-44
CL Iturra-33
CL Pérez, Sebastián (1990)-33
CL Cubillos, M-33
CL Leal-33
CL Gaínza, C-33
VE Kouffati-33
CL Fuentes, Michael-33
CL Corral, P-22
UY Guichón-22
VE Pernía, E-22
CL Berríos-22
CL Salinas, O-22
CL Fernández, Diego (1998)-22
CL Salinas, H-11
CL Piñones, W-11
AR Castro, Rodrigo-11
CL Bravo, Manuel-11
CL Moreno, Alan (1995)-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)27076

Red cards conceded against Deportes Iquique

Sent off
CL Magalhães
CL Sepúlveda, MI
CL Baeza, N
CO Palomeque

    CL Primera División 2019

Antofa - Audax - Cobresal - Colo Colo - Coquimbo - Curicó - Everton - Huachipato - Iquique - La Calera - OHiggins - Palestino - U. Conce - U.C. - U.Chile - Unión