CL Deportes Iquique

Tierra de Campeones, Iquique, Tarapacá

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Deportes Iquique



Last Visitors Ratings:
playerYUBabić3.5 (4)
My Line-upMan.City by OKUMU ROBERT
My Line-upMan.Utd by Wakeel
My Line-upRangers by John Cameron
My Line-upR.Madrid by Winning xi

Squad Changes between 14-Dec-10 and 14-Dec-11
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

AR BarreraDF27 in 01-Jan-11from BOJorge Wilstermann
CL González, Juan (1975)DF35 in 01-Jan-11from CLUniversidad de Chile
CL Contreras, MDF18 in 01-Jan-11
PY Bogado, CFW24 in 01-Jan-11loan from PYOlimpia
AR GigenaFW30 in 01-Jan-11from CLSantiago Wanderers
CL DonosoMF35 in 01-Jan-11from ECDeportivo Quito
CL Ríos, MMF26 in 01-Jan-11from CLSantiago Morning
AR Ojeda, LFW25 in 04-Jan-11from CLO'Higgins
CL MelendezMF33 in 16-Jan-11from CLColo Colo
CL SanhuezaMF32 in 28-Jan-11from CLColo Colo
CL Parada, AGK27 in 15-Jun-11from CLSantiago Morning
CL Sarabia, VMF27 in 16-Jun-11from CLLota Schwager
CL Gutiérrez, PDF28 in 05-Jul-11from CLSan Luis de Quillota
AR Díaz, Rodrigo (1981)MF29 in 18-Aug-11from ARAlmirante Brown

CL CarilaoDF34 out 31-Dec-10to CLUnión Temuco
CL Ayala, MADF30 out 31-Dec-10to CLRangers
CL González, VíctorFW33 out 31-Dec-10to CLLota Schwager
CL OleaFW32 out 31-Dec-10to CLDeportes Copiapó
CL Contreras, PatricioFW26 out 31-Dec-10to CLMagallanes
AR Cobelli, JMFW23 out 31-Dec-10to ARNewells Old Boys
PY Ocampo, OFW28 out 31-Dec-10to CLUniversidad de Concepción
CL Jiménez, Miguel (1980)GK30 out 31-Dec-10to CLÑublense
AR MasMF36 out 31-Dec-10
CL Prieto, JCMF21 out 31-Dec-10loan to CLMunicipal Mejillones
CL Fica, FMF29 out 31-Dec-10to CLMagallanes
CL Contreras, NMF32 out 31-Dec-10to CLSan Marcos de Arica
AR Ríos, CMF31 out 31-Dec-10
CL Maldonado, HPMF26 out 31-Dec-10to CLSan Luis de Quillota
AR BarreraDF27 out 15-Jul-11to BOUniversitario Sucre

    conmebol Copa Sudamericana 2011

Anztegui - Arg.Jrs - Arsenal S - At.-MG - At.-PR - Aurora - B. Vista - Botafogo - Cali - Ceará - D. Quito - Emelec - Equidad - Estud. LP - Fénix - Flamengo - Godoy Cruz - Indepte - Iquique - J. Aurich - Lanús - Libertad - Liga - Nacional - Nacional - Olimpia - Palmeiras - San José - Santa Fe - São Paulo - Strongest - Trujl nos - U.C. - U.Chile - UCV - Universit - Vasco - Vélez - Yaracuy