CH Neuchâtel Xamax FC

Stade La Maladiere, Neuchâtel

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Neuchâtel Xamax FC


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Fri Feb.07 - Challenge League - EtCarouge vs Xamax - Your Prediction?

Neuchâtel Xamax FC Yellow and Red Cards in Swiss Super League 2011/2012

Sent off MinGame
CM Bikana4507-Aug-11 FC Thun 0 - Neuchâtel Xamax FC 0
CH Geiger3321-Sep-11 Young Boys Bern 4 - Neuchâtel Xamax FC 1
FR Besle5311-Dec-11 Neuchâtel Xamax FC 1 - FC Basel 1
MZ Paito3917-Jul-11 Neuchâtel Xamax FC 0 - FC Luzern 3
ES Víctor Sánchez8627-Oct-11 Neuchâtel Xamax FC 0 - Young Boys Bern 0

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
FR Besle1710
ES Víctor Sánchez158
MZ Paito158
ES Navarro, David-88
CH Geiger136
CM Bikana125
ES Arizmendi-33
AL Basha-33
CH Seferović, Haris (1992ch)-33
GM Dampha-33
AR Gelabert-33
FR Treand-33
FR Bedenik-22
CH Facchinetti-22
CH Wüthrich-11
NG Uche, K-11
CH Veloso, Max-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)55570

Red cards conceded against Neuchâtel Xamax FC

Sent off
CH Moubandje

    CH Super League 2011/2012

Basel - Grasshopp - Lausanne - Luzern - Servette - Sion - Thun - Xamax - YB Bern - Zurich