Wales Newtown AFC

Latham Park, Newtown

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Newtown AFC

White Stars


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My Line-upTottenham by 09056112072
My Line-upTottenham by Cody
My Line-upMan.Utd by Isaac
My Line-upPSG by 09056112072
match Man.City - Man.Utd5.0 (1)

Thu Dec.26 - Welsh Premier League - Newtown vs Havfdwest - Your Prediction?

Newtown AFC Used Players at Welsh Premier League 2013/2014

1 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    Wales Platt, M GK 1
    England Mills-Evans DF Centre-back1
    Wales Penk DF 1
    England Sutton, S DF Centre-back1
    Wales Williams, Craig (1987) DF Right-back1
    England Evans, Sean MF Left-midfield1
    England Evans, Zac MF Box-to-Box midfielder1
    Wales Goodwin, Tom MF Defensive midfielder1
    England Jones, Andy Out 31-DecMF Box-to-Box midfielder/Centre-back1
    Wales Boundford FW 1
    England Hearsey FW Striker1
    England Hodge, N FW 1
    Wales White, Jeff FW Striker1
    Wales DE Warwick, A GK 0
    Wales Edmunds DF 0
    England O'Neill MF 0

    13 players used