Wales Newtown AFC

Latham Park, Newtown

Go to Tournament - Season

Newtown AFC

White Stars


Last Visitors Ratings:
My Line-upTottenham by 09056112072
My Line-upTottenham by Cody
My Line-upMan.Utd by Isaac
My Line-upPSG by 09056112072
match Man.City - Man.Utd5.0 (1)

Thu Dec.26 - Welsh Premier League - Newtown vs Havfdwest - Your Prediction?

Squad Changes between 12-Mar-19 and 11-Mar-20
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

England MwandweFW18 in
Wales SteventonGK17 in
England McAllister, SMF32 in from EnglandChester City

Wales Roberts, Callum (1998)DF20 out to WalesConnah's Quay Nomads
England Allen, DamienMF33 out
England Hughes, George (1999)MF20 out loan to WalesAirbus UK Broughton