PY Olimpia

Manuel Ferreira, Asunción

Go to Tournament - Season


Rey de Copas


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerYUBabić3.5 (4)
My Line-upMan.City by OKUMU ROBERT
My Line-upMan.Utd by Wakeel
My Line-upRangers by John Cameron
My Line-upR.Madrid by Winning xi

Squad Changes between 24-Jul-12 and 24-Jul-13
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

PY Miranda, HerminioDF27 in 01-Jan-13from MXPuebla
PY Huth, RDF23 in 01-Jan-13loan from PYTacuary
PY Giménez, AqDF19 in 01-Jan-13
PY MontórfanoFW in 01-Jan-13
PY Ovejero, FFW21 in 01-Jan-13
PY AbenteMF28 in 01-Jan-13from PYSportivo Luqueño
PY Contrera, AMF20 in 01-Jan-13from PYRubio Ñu
PY Guzman, TMF30 in 01-Jan-13from ITGubbio
CM EssameMF28 in 01-Jan-13from RUFC Akhmat Grozny
PY Cáceres, BMF23 in 01-Jan-13from PYGuaraní
PY ManzurDF32 in 10-Jan-13from PYGuaraní
PY Prono, EFW21 in 12-Jan-13loan from PYSol de América
AR Ferreyra, JCFW29 in 21-Jan-13from ECBarcelona Sp
AR Biancucchi, EMF24 in 21-Jan-13from PYIndependiente FBC
PY Wilson PittoniMF27 in 23-Jan-13from BRFigueirense
PY MazacotteDF28 in loan from PYNacional
AR Benitez, NelsonDF28 in from ARTalleres de Remedios Escalada
PY López CenturiónFW30 in from PYGuaraní
PY Lopez, DanteFW29 in from PYGuaraní
CO AssiaMF17 in
UY OrtemanMF34 in from PYGuaraní
AR Giménez, Matías (1984)MF28 in from ARHuracán
PY Abente, JMF28 in 14-Jul-13from PYSportivo Luqueño

PE RevoredoDF26 out 31-Jul-12to ECBarcelona Sp
PY Giménez, Oscar (1985)DF27 out 30-Dec-12
AR Biancucchi, MaxiFW28 out 30-Dec-12to BRVitória
PY Santa Cruz, JFW22 out 30-Dec-12to PYDeportivo Capiatá
UY AmadoMF28 out 30-Dec-12loan to UYPeñarol
PY Nuñez, JDMF28 out 30-Dec-12loan to COOnce Caldas
PY Rojas, Alfredo (1987)DF25 out 31-Dec-12to PYDeportivo Capiatá
PY Bareiro, NFW28 out 31-Dec-12loan to ARRosario Central
PY Ortíz, GGK23 out 31-Dec-12to PYSol de América
PY HobeckerMF28 out 31-Dec-12to PYRubio Ñu
PY Ortiz, RMF22 out 13-Jun-13to MXToluca
UY AriosaDF27 out 19-Jun-13to Unattached
PY Cáceres, JCDF33 out to PYGuaraní
PY Cáceres, BMF23 out loan to PYSol de América
CM EssameMF28 out to BYNeman Grodno
PY Contrera, AMF20 out loan to PYSportivo Luqueño

    conmebol Copa Libertadores 2013

Anztegui - Arsenal S - At.-MG - Barcelona - Boca - Bolivar - Caracas - CD Lara - Cerro - Cor hians - Cusco - Defensor - Emelec - Fluminense - Grêmio - Huachipato - Iquique - León - Libertad - Liga - Millos - Nacional - Newells - Olimpia - Palmeiras - Peñarol - S Cristal - San José - Santa Fe - São Paulo - Strongest - Tigre - Tijuana - Tolima - Toluca - U.Chile - UCV - Vélez