BW Orapa United

Itekeng Stadium, Orapa

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Orapa United


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My Line-upTottenham by 09056112072
My Line-upTottenham by Cody
My Line-upMan.Utd by Isaac
My Line-upPSG by 09056112072
match Man.City - Man.Utd5.0 (1)

Sun Jan.05 - CAF Confederation Cup - Diaraf SN vs BW Orapa Utd - Your Prediction?

Scores, Results and Fixture of Orapa United for CAF Confederation Cup 2024/2025

    Team Names & Badges

    caf CAF Confederation Cup 2024/2025

ABB - Al Masry - ASEC - Berkane - CSC - Diaraf - Enyimba - Lunda Sul - Onze Brav - Orapa Utd - S.Malien - Sfaxien - Simba - Stelosch - USMA - Zamalek