AR Platense

Ciudad de Vicente Lopez, Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires

Go to Tournament - Season




Last Visitors Ratings:
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachITBrocchi4.3 (9)
coachITBrocchi4.3 (9)

Mon Mar.17 - Apertura - S.M. SJ vs Platense - Your Prediction?

Platense Analysis at Copa Argentina 2022

Players to watch
0 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


Right backs [ ?]

Centre backs [ ?]

Left backs [ ?]

Right midfielders

Centre midfielders

Left midfielders


See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Spontón since 23-Sep-21
    Coach De Felippe since 04-Apr-22
25-May Belgrano1-1         lineup not confirmed
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    AR Copa Argentina 2022

Acassuso - Agro - Aldosivi - AlteBrown - Arg.Jrs - Arsenal S - Atl. Tuc - Banfield - Barracas - Belgrano - Boca - Brown - C Cba SdE - Camb eres - Cent.Nort - Centr.Cba - Chaco - Cipollett - Colón - Cole - Def y Jus - Dep Moron - Dock Sud - Estud. LP - Ferro - Flandria - Güemes - Godoy Cruz - Gsia Mdza - Gsia Tiro - Gsia. LP - Gsia.Jujuy - Huracán - Indepte - Indp Rvia - Ituzaingó - JJUrquiza - L.Parejas - Laferrere - Lanús - Liniers - Los Andes - Madryn - Newells - Olimpo - Patronato - PeñarolSJ - Platense - Pto Nuevo - Quilmes - R.Central - Rac.Cba - Racing - River - S.Lorenzo - S.M. Tuc - Sacachis - Sarmiento - Sol Mayo - Tall. Cba - Tigre - Tr.Suarez - Unión - Vélez