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Racing Club Analysis at Copa Libertadores 2018 Players to watch
8 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.
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| | | Left backs [
?] | Soto, Alexis (8)
| | | | | | See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions
Lineups found Starting lineup changes since last game | | | | | | | | | January 2018 | | | | Coach Coudet since 17-Dec-17 | February 2018 | | | M.7 | 27-Feb | | Cruzeiro | | 4-2 | 4-1-3-2 | | | March 2018 | | | April 2018 | | | M.8 | 03-Apr | away | U.Chile | | 1-1 | 4-1-3-2 | In:Pillud, Gonz'z, Out:Saravia, Zaracho, | | M.9 | 19-Apr | | Vasco | | 4-0 | 4-1-3-2 | In:Saravia, Solari, Zaracho, Out:Pillud, Gonz'z, Cardozo, | | M.10 | 26-Apr | away | Vasco | | 1-1 | 4-1-3-2 | In:Gonz'z, Cardozo, Out:Solari, Zaracho, | | May 2018 | | | M.11 | 03-May | | U.Chile | | 1-0 | 4-1-3-2 | *** Repeat 11 *** | | M.12 | 22-May | away | Cruzeiro | | 2-1 | 4-1-3-2 | In:Pillud, Barbieri, Solari, Out:Saravia, Sigali, Domi'z, | | August 2018 | | | | 06-Jun to 31-Jul Centurión, R surgery acute appendicitis | M.13 | 09-Aug | | River | | 0-0 | 4-1-3-2 | In:Arias, Saravia, Sigali, Orbán, Domi'z, Zaracho, Bou, G, Out:Musso, Pillud, Barbieri, Donatti, Gonz'z, Solari, Mart'z, | | M.14 | 29-Aug | away | River | | 3-0 | 4-1-3-2 | *** Repeat 11 *** | | September 2018 | | | October 2018 | | | November 2018 | | | December 2018 | | | Color References: GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos | |