TJ Ravshan Kulob

Kulob Central Stadium, Kulob

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Ravshan Kulob


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Ravshan Kulob Yellow and Red Cards in AFC Cup 2014

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
GH Tayki-22
NG Musa, Sadiq-22
TJ Tukhtasunov, D-22
TJ Hasanov, B-22
TJ Rustamov, N-11
TJ Khuseynov-11
TJ Hakimov-11
TJ Rizoev-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)01212

    afc AFC Cup 2014

Al Hidd - Al Kuwait - Al Riffa - Al Shorta - Al-Jaish - Al-Suwaiq - Al-Wahda - Arema - Churchill - Erbil - Fanja - FC Alay - Hanoi T - Kelantan - Kitchee - Lion City - Maziya - Nay Pyi - Nejmeh - Persipura - Pune - Qadsia SC - RadiantSC - Ravshan - Safa - SCAA - Selangor - Shabab - TampinesR - That Ras - Vissai - Yangon