BR Rio Branco-SP

Estadio Decio Vitta, Americana, São Paulo

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Last Visitors Ratings:
playerDESchleimer1.0 (1)
coachESAnquela3.0 (1)
coachDEPfeiffer4.8 (24)
coachEnglandDerry3.0 (1)
coachITBarzagli3.0 (1)

Players on this club:
From To Player
01-Jan-1831-May-18MF     BR Adriano Pimenta
08-Nov-1725-Apr-18DF     BR Tiago Bernardini
01-Jan-1730-Jun-17DF     BR Thiaguinho, EdP
29-Feb-16DF     BR Cristiano Matias
25-Feb-16FW     BR Roncatto
01-Jan-1631-Mar-16DF     BR Guilherme Morassi
01-Jan-1630-Jun-16MF     BR Jeferson Filho
01-Jul-1513-Jan-16FW     BR Diego Neves
01-Jan-1522-Jul-15FW     BR Thiago Santos, (1990)
01-Jan-1530-Dec-15MF     BR Agenor, FS
01-Jan-1530-Dec-15MF     BR Wendel, Gomes
01-Jan-1530-Jun-15FW     BR Fernando, Andrade
02-Jan-1413-Nov-14FW     BR Gabriel Rodrigues
01-Jan-1430-Jun-14FW     BR Lukian
01-Aug-1330-Nov-15MF     BR Bruno, Ferraz
01-Jul-1331-Dec-14MF     BR Rafael Longuine
01-Mar-1330-Dec-13DF     BR André Leone
01-Jan-1330-Jun-13MF     BR Leo Costa
01-Jan-1330-Jun-13FW     BR Leandrão
01-Jan-1330-Jun-13DF     BR Jomar
01-Jul-1231-Dec-12MF     BR Daniel Costa
02-Mar-1231-Dec-12DF     BR Tiago Bernardini
01-Jan-1230-Jun-12MF     BR Dudu, Figueiredo
01-Jan-1230-Jun-12DF     BR Oliveira, Jheckson
01-Jan-1230-May-12MF     BR Rafael Chorão
01-Jul-1131-Dec-11FW     BR Ailton
06-Jan-1027-Apr-10FW     BR Anselmo Ramon
01-Jan-1030-Mar-10MF     BR Ricardo, RdL
01-Jan-1030-Apr-10MF     BR Francisco Alex
01-Jan-1030-Apr-10MF     BR Marcelinho, SO
01-Jan-1030-Jun-10FW     BR Felipe Felix
01-Jan-1031-Mar-10FW     BR Luciano Emilio
01-Jan-1028-Feb-10DF     BR Maurim
01-Jan-0930-Apr-09FW     BR Rodriguinho
01-Jan-0930-Jan-09DF     BR Du Lopes
01-Jan-0931-Jul-09DF     BR Márcio, AG
01-Jul-0830-Jun-09FW     BR Bruno Correa
01-Feb-0830-Jun-08FW     BR Lincom
01-Jul-0731-Dec-07DF     BR Diego Macedo
01-Jan-0731-Jan-07FW     BR Leandro, Montera
01-Jan-0730-Jun-07MF     BR João Luiz
01-Jan-0630-Jun-06MF     AR Hanuch
01-Jan-0630-Dec-06GK     BR Adilson, CdS
01-Jan-0530-Jun-05GK     BR Magrão
01-Dec-0430-Nov-06MF     BR Camilo
01-May-0431-Dec-04DF     BR Elizeu, FM
01-May-0431-Dec-04FW     BR Otto
01-Jan-0430-Jun-04FW     BR Thiago Ribeiro
01-Jan-0330-Apr-03FW     BR André Luís, Leite
01-Jan-0330-Jun-03MF     BR Sacilotto
01-Jan-0330-Jun-03DF     BR Bill
01-Jan-0231-Dec-02FW     BR Thiago de Souza
01-Jan-0230-Dec-02DF     BR Gian, Fr
01-Jul-0130-Jun-04GK     BR Renan, Rocha
01-Jan-0130-Jun-01MF     BR Fabio Santos
01-Jan-0130-Apr-01MF     BR Marcus
01-Jan-0131-Dec-01MF     BR Paulo Silas
01-Jan-0131-Dec-01DF     BR Júlio César, dS
01-Jan-0030-Dec-01MF     BR Heleno
01-Jan-0030-Apr-00MF     BR Marcus
01-Jul-9930-Jun-00FW     BR Ewerthon
01-Jan-9931-Dec-99DF     BG Wagner, L
01-Jan-9931-Dec-99MF     BR Emerson, dSG
01-Jan-9931-Dec-99MF     BR Caio
01-Jan-9930-Dec-99MF     BR Cleber Gaucho
01-Jul-9731-Dec-97MF     BR Hermes
01-Jan-9731-Dec-00FW     BR Osmar, Aparecido
01-Jan-9731-Dec-97MF     ES Marcos Senna
01-Jul-9630-Jun-97FW     BR Luciano Emilio
01-Jul-9330-Jun-95MF     BR Marcos Assunção
01-Jan-9330-Jun-96FW     BR Edu, M A
01-Jan-9231-Dec-93MF     BR Flavio Conceicao

Coaches on this club:
From To Coach
07-Jan-0812-Feb-08     BR Roberto Fonseca
30-May-0605-Sep-06     BR Pintado
01-Jul-0330-Dec-03     BR Waguinho Dias

Last Database Changes related to this team:
Date UserOperationData

Team Edit History:
Date UserOperationData
20-Dec-10 11:57 FL  Team Home Jersey  BR Rio Branco-SP (you may need ctrl-f5)
20-Dec-10 11:54 FL  Add Team to Stadium BR Estadio Decio Vitta / Rio Branco-SP
20-Dec-10 11:51 FL  Update Team BR Rio Branco-SP
04-Feb-10 12:41 noonnoon  Team Home Jersey  BR Rio Branco-SP (you may need ctrl-f5)
18-May-09 10:30 Torpedo Jo  New Team BR Rio Branco-SP

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