NL SC Heracles Almelo

Erve Asito, Almelo

Go to Tournament - Season

SC Heracles Almelo



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Sat Dec.21 - Eredivisie - Heracles vs Groningen - Your Prediction?

SC Heracles Almelo Used Players at Dutch Playoffs Europa League 2011

2 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    NL Pasveer GK 2
    NL Breukers DF Right-back2
    NL Looms DF Left-back2
    BE Maertens DF Centre-back2
    NL van der Linden DF Centre-back2
    NL Fledderus MF Box-to-Box midfielder/Left-back2
    GH Quansah MF Defensive midfielder2
    NL Vejinović MF Box-to-Box midfielder2
    SE Armenteros, S FW Striker2
    NL SR Douglas FW Right-wing2
    BR Everton FW Left-wing/Striker2
    NL Plet FW Striker2
    NL Reekers DF Centre-back1
    NL CM Overtoom MF Attacking midfielder1
    NL Rienstra MF Defensive midfielder/Centre-back1

    15 players used