SK ŠKF Sered

Futbalový štadión Myjava, Myjava

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ŠKF Sered


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match Tolima - ANacional3.0 (1)
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My Line-upPSG by 09056112072

Squad Changes between 22-May-20 and 22-May-21
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

SK Mészáros , AFW24 in from SKViOn Zlaté Moravce
SK ŠípkaGK17 in
BA Mehic, AMF19 in 03-Aug-20
SK TatranskýMF19 in 07-Aug-20
KR BaeMF27 in 07-Aug-20from MYPetaling Jaya City FC
HR BušnjaFW20 in 12-Aug-20loan from HRNK Istra 1961
BA Čeliković, JDF21 in 09-Sep-20loan from HRHNK Rijeka
NG IkuepamitanGK23 in 05-Oct-20from HRHNK Rijeka
HR Bašić, KGK20 in 06-Oct-20loan from HRGNK Dinamo Zagreb II
DJ HousseinMF21 in 08-Oct-20from BERFC Seraing
CO Ibargüen, CAFW24 in 19-Oct-20from COCortuluá
UY Pereira, AlvaroDF35 in 23-Oct-20from PYRiver Plate de Asunción
SK LačnýFW32 in 13-Nov-20from ZAAmaZulu FC
IR Salimi, IDF24 in 01-Jan-21from IRTractor SC
AR Díaz, IvanMF27 in 01-Jan-21from SKMŠK Žilina
CZ MachučaMF24 in 01-Jan-21from CZSlovan Liberec
SK PotomaMF20 in 20-Jan-21from SKSK Slovan Bratislava
SK FábryMF23 in 23-Jan-21loan from SKDAC Dunajská Streda
SI Mlakar, TDF25 in 29-Jan-21from SIFC Koper
SK PracharFW17 in 03-Feb-21
NG Moses, PFW21 in 19-Feb-21from SKFK Senica
SK KuníkDF23 in 25-Feb-21from SKFC Nitra

BA MetalsiDF26 out
CY Louka, PFW19 out to BGFC Tsarsko Selo
SI RoričMF20 out to SINK Celje
HR Vuk, MFW20 out 20-Jul-20to HRHNK Rijeka
BA KanurićGK20 out 11-Oct-20to BAFK Sarajevo
AT VucenovicFW22 out 30-Nov-20to FIFC Haka
CO Ibargüen, CAFW24 out 30-Dec-20to ECTécnico Universitario
SK Mészáros , AFW24 out 31-Dec-20
MK DuranskiMF29 out 31-Dec-20to MKFK Sileks Kratovo
SK PotomaMF20 out 31-Dec-20to SKSK Slovan Bratislava
KR BaeMF27 out 22-Jan-21to MYNegeri Sembilan FA
BA Čeliković, JDF21 out 25-Jan-21to BAFK Željezničar
HR Bašić, KGK20 out 25-Jan-21to HRNK Varaždin
YU PankaricanMF27 out 26-Jan-21to MTGudja United
SN Ba, DjibyDF27 out 30-Jan-21to SKFC Nitra
NG AdekuoroyeMF24 out 02-Feb-21to SKMFK Zemplín Michalovce
DE JarovićFW22 out 14-Feb-21to SINK Radomlje

    SK Slovak Superliga 2020/2021

DAC 1904 - FC ViOn - Nitra - Pohronie - Ružomberk - S.Trnava - Senica - Sered - SK Slovan - Trenčín - Zemplín - Žilina