RU Salyut

Salyut Stadium, Belgorod

Go to Tournament - Season



Last Visitors Ratings:
playerYUBabić3.5 (4)
My Line-upMan.City by OKUMU ROBERT
My Line-upMan.Utd by Wakeel
My Line-upRangers by John Cameron
My Line-upR.Madrid by Winning xi

Squad Changes between 12-May-20 and 12-May-21
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

RU Esin, VDF25 in from CZ1.SC Znojmo
RU SemeykinDF23 in from RUFC Tyumen
RU Pogrebnyak, IDF27 in from RUSKA Rostov-na-Donu
RU Gerasimov, ArtyomGK24 in from RUArmavir
RU Morev, EMF20 in from RUTambov
RU ManaevMF21 in from RUTosno
RU KhudobkoMF30 in from RUDynamo Bryansk

RU MolteninovFW24 out to RUChertanovo Moscow

    RU Russian Cup 2020/2021

Akhmat - Akron - Alania - Arsenal - Baltika - Biolog - Ch Novors - Chayka - Chelyab - Cherta - CSKA - Dolgopa - Dynamo Br - Dynamo M - Dynamo St - Enisey - Fakel - Irtysh - Kaluga - KamAZ - Khimki - Kolomna - Krasnodar - KS Samara - Kuban-Hld - Legion D - Leningrad - Lokomotiv - Mashuk - Neftekhim - NNovgorod - Novosibir - Orenburg - Rodina - Rostov - Rotor - Rubin - Salyut - Shinnik - SKA - Sochi - Sokol - Spartak M - Tambov - Textil - Tom - Torpedo M - Ufa - Ural - Veles - Volga Ul - Volgar - Zenit - Zenit Irk - Znamya N - Zvezda Pr