AR San Martín de San Juan

Ingeniero Hilario Sanchez, San Juan, San Juan

Go to Tournament - Season

San Martín de San Juan

El Verdinegro


Last Visitors Ratings:
match A.Madrid - Getafe3.0 (1)
My Line-upMan.City by Kyran
My Line-upMan.Utd by Nahom
My Line-upMan.Utd by KelvinWong
refereeEnglandHooper1.2 (346)

Scores, Results and Fixture of San Martín de San Juan for Clausura 2008

    Team Names & Badges

    AR Clausura 2008

Arg.Jrs - Arsenal S - Banfield - Boca - Colón - Estud. LP - Gsia. LP - Gsia.Jujuy - Huracán - Indepte - Lanús - Newells - Olimpo - R.Central - Racing - River - S.Lorenzo - S.M. SJ - Tigre - Vélez