IT Siena

Artemio Franchi Di Siena, Siena

Go to Tournament - Season




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Siena Injured Players in Serie B 2010/2011

Tournament dates: 20-Aug-10 to 29-May-11

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban
MF IT Bolzoni 2 28-Feb-11 02-Mar-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF IT Bolzoni 4 14-Apr-11 18-Apr-11     8th yellow card ban (1 match)
FW IT Calaiò 1 28-May-11 29-May-11     Federal Judge ban for violent behaviour (1 match)
MF IT Carobbio 2 24-Feb-11 26-Feb-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF RO Codrea 4 19-Aug-10 23-Aug-10     8th yellow card ban (1 match for 2010/11 season)
GK IT Coppola 4 19-May-11 23-May-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF IT Del Grosso, C 4 19-Aug-10 23-Aug-10     8th yellow card ban (1 match for 2010/11 season)
DF IT Ficagna 4 19-Aug-10 23-Aug-10     yellow card ban from Lega Pro 2009/10 (1 match)
DF IT Ficagna 8 07-Nov-10 15-Nov-10     red card ban (1 match)
DF IT Ficagna 4 19-May-11 23-May-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF FR Genevier 175 24-Aug-10 15-Feb-11     left knee anterior cruciate ligament injury
DF PT Gonçalo Brandão 123 26-May-10 26-Sep-10     Achilles tendon rupture (temporarily loaned to Juventus)
FW IT Immobile 11 16-Sep-10 27-Sep-10     Federal Judge ban for insulting the referee (2 matches)
FW CL Larrondo, M 2 25-Mar-11 27-Mar-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
FW IT Paolucci 21 12-Feb-11 05-Mar-11     right tibiotarsal joint straining trauma
FW BR Reginaldo 2 28-Feb-11 02-Mar-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF IT Rossettini 4 27-Jan-11 31-Jan-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF IT Sestu 4 09-Sep-10 13-Sep-10     red card ban (1 match) + 1st yellow card
DF IT Terzi 3 29-Oct-10 01-Nov-10     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF IT Terzi 6 11-Jan-11 17-Jan-11     8th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF IT Terzi 4 17-Mar-11 21-Mar-11     12th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF IT Terzi 1 28-May-11 29-May-11     15th yellow card ban (1 match)
MF IT Vergassola 8 07-Nov-10 15-Nov-10     red card ban (1 match)
MF IT Vergassola 4 17-Feb-11 21-Feb-11     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF IT Vitiello, R 3 29-Oct-10 01-Nov-10     4th yellow card ban (1 match)
DF IT Vitiello, R 3 04-Mar-11 07-Mar-11     8th yellow card ban (1 match)

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    IT Serie B 2010/2011

Albinolef - Ascoli - Atalanta - Cittadella - Crotone - Empoli - Frosinone - Grosseto - Livorno - LRVicenza - Modena - Novara - Padova - Pescara - Piacenza - Port uaro - Reggina - Sassuolo - Siena - Torino - Triestina - Varese