GR Xanthi

Skoda Xanthi Arena, Pigadia, Xanthi

Go to Tournament - Season


Queen of Thrace


Last Visitors Ratings:
coachDKJensen, H (1985)5.0 (2)
My Line-upOrlando by ovayo
coachDKJensen, H (1985)5.0 (2)
My Line-upEverton by Biord
refereeEnglandRussell, M4.3 (3)

Xanthi Yellow and Red Cards in Greek Cup 2008/2009

Sent off MinGame
GR Stathakis7615-Jan-09 Ergotelis FC 0 - Xanthi 3

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints