BR Sport Recife

Ilha do Retiro, Recife, Pernambuco

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Sport Recife Analysis at Brasileiro Série B 2022

Players to watch
38 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


BR Mailson, TdS (19)
BR Saulo, FS (14)
BR Carlos Eduardo, Mota (4)
BR Denis, CdM (1)

Right backs [ ?]

BR Ewerthon, DdS (17)
BR Eduardo, Santos (13)
BR Ezequiel, Biasi (7)
BR Pedro Naressi (1)
Centre backs [ ?]

BR Sabino, Ch (37)
BR Rafael Thyere (25)
BR Fabio Alemão (11)
BR Chico, dSN (3)
Left backs [ ?]

BR Sander, Bortolotto (30)
UY Hernández, Lucas (1992) (8)
Right midfielders

BR Fabinho, G (12)
BR Ronaldo, FdS (8)
BR Thiago Lopes (4)
BR Bruno Matias (3)
BR Denner, Melz (3)
BR Everton Felipe (2)
BR Jáderson (2)
BR Giovanni, P (2)
BR Willian Oliveira, (1992) (1)
UY Labandeira, F (1)
Centre midfielders

BR Giovanni, P (14)
BR Fabinho, G (9)
BR Bruno Matias (8)
BR Willian Oliveira, (1992) (7)
BR Ronaldo, FdS (5)
BR Luciano Juba (5)
BR Pedro Naressi (4)
BR Everton Felipe (3)
PY Cáceres, B (2)
BR Thiago Lopes (2)
BR Denner, Melz (2)
BR Alan, Souza (1)
BR Kayke (1)
Left midfielders

BR Luciano Juba (12)
BR Fabinho, G (8)
BR Pedro Naressi (4)
BR Bruno Matias (4)
PY Cáceres, B (3)
BR Willian Oliveira, (1992) (2)
BR Ronaldo, FdS (2)
BR Giovanni, P (1)
BR Vágner Love (1)
BR Denner, Melz (1)

BR Luciano Juba (20)
BR Kayke (18)
BR Vágner Love (15)
CL Parraguez, J (8)
BR Gustavo Coutinho (8)
UY Labandeira, F (6)
BR Bill, RdSF (4)
BR Jáderson (3)
BR Thiago Lopes (3)
CO Vanegas, R (2)
BR Giovanni, P (1)
BR Denner, Melz (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Dal Pozzo since 15-Mar-22
M.109-Apr Sampaio1-04-3-3
M.216-Apr away Guarani0-04-3-2-1In:F Alemão, Out:R Thyere,
M.323-Apr away Criciúma1-14-3-3In:R Thyere, Out:F Alemão,
M.426-Apr Ituano1-04-3-3In:Ewerthon, Giovanni, Kayke, Jáderson, Out:Ezequiel, P Naressi, Parraguez, Bill,
M.530-Apr away CSA1-04-3-3In:Hern'z, Ronaldo, P Naressi, Fabinho, Bill, Out:Sander, W Oliveira, Giovanni, B Matias, Jáderson,
M.606-May Tombense2-04-3-3In:E Felipe, W Oliveira, B Matias, Jáderson, Out:Ronaldo, P Naressi, Fabinho, Bill,
M.713-May away Chapecoe0-14-2-3-1In:Parraguez, Out:Kayke,
M.817-May away Novorizon0-04-2-3-1In:Giovanni, Out:Jáderson,
M.924-May CRB0-14-2-3-1In:Sander, Out:Hern'z,
M.1002-Jun Pte Preta2-14-2-3-1In:Fabinho, Out:W Oliveira,
M.1108-Jun away Bahia1-04-2-3-1In:T Lopes, Kayke, Out:E Felipe, Parraguez,
M.1213-Jun Grêmio0-04-3-3In:Ezequiel, Jáderson, Out:Ewerthon, T Lopes,
M.1318-Jun away Náutico1-14-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.1425-Jun Brusque0-04-2-3-1In:Ewerthon, F Alemão, T Lopes, Out:Ezequiel, R Thyere, Jáderson,
    Coach César Lucena since 27-Jun-22
M.1528-Jun away Cruzeiro2-14-2-3-1In:R Thyere, Alan, Out:F Alemão, Giovanni,
    Coach Márcio Hahn since 30-Jun-22
    Coach Lisca since 30-Jun-22
M.1603-Jul away Vasco0-04-3-2-1In:W Oliveira, Cáceres, Giovanni, Out:B Matias, T Lopes, Alan,
M.1709-Jul Londrina2-04-2-3-1In:T Lopes, Parraguez, Out:W Oliveira, Kayke,
M.1814-Jul away Operário0-04-3-2-1In:Ronaldo, Vanegas, Out:Giovanni, Parraguez,
M.1918-Jul Vila Nova0-04-3-2-1In:Ezequiel, Out:Ewerthon,
    Coach César Lucena since 20-Jul-22
M.2022-Jul away Sampaio4-14-3-2-1In:C Eduardo, F Alemão, B Matias, Kayke, Out:Mailson, R Thyere, Ronaldo, Vanegas,
    Coach Claudinei Oliveira since 24-Jul-22
M.2128-Jul Guarani2-14-2-3-1In:P Naressi, Chico, Ronaldo, Denner, Out:Ezequiel, F Alemão, Cáceres, B Matias,
M.2202-Aug Criciúma1-14-2-3-1In:Ewerthon, F Alemão, Hern'z, W Oliveira, Out:P Naressi, Chico, Sander, Ronaldo,
M.2309-Aug away Ituano4-14-3-3In:Sander, P Naressi, V Love, Out:Hern'z, W Oliveira, T Lopes,
M.2413-Aug CSA4-04-3-3In:Saulo, Giovanni, Out:C Eduardo, Denner,
M.2518-Aug away Tombense1-04-3-3 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.2623-Aug Chapecoe1-04-3-3In:Denis, Eduardo, Denner, Out:Saulo, Ewerthon, Fabinho,
M.2730-Aug Novorizon1-04-3-3In:Saulo, Ronaldo, Fabinho, Out:Denis, Denner, P Naressi,
M.2803-Sep away CRB2-04-3-3In:Hern'z, Denner, Out:Sander, L Juba,
M.2907-Sep away Pte Preta1-04-2-3-1In:Chico, L Juba, Out:F Alemão, Denner,
M.3012-Sep Bahia1-04-3-3In:F Alemão, Sander, G Coutinho, Out:Chico, Hern'z, Kayke,
M.3120-Sep away Grêmio3-04-3-3In:R Thyere, Out:F Alemão,
M.3228-Sep Náutico2-14-3-3In:Laba'ra, Out:Giovanni,
M.3304-Oct away Brusque0-14-4-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.3409-Oct Cruzeiro3-14-3-3In:Chico, Hern'z, Denner, Out:Sabino, Sander, G Coutinho,
M.3516-Oct Vasco1-14-3-3In:Sabino, Sander, G Coutinho, Out:Chico, Hern'z, Denner,
M.3622-Oct away Londrina2-14-3-3In:Denner, Out:Ronaldo,
M.3728-Oct Operário5-14-3-3In:Ronaldo, Out:Denner,
M.3806-Nov away Vila Nova0-04-3-3 *** Repeat 11 ***
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    BR Brasileiro Série B 2022

Bahia - Brusque - Chapecoe - CRB - Criciúma - Cruzeiro - CSA - Grêmio - Guarani - Ituano - Londrina - Náutico - Novorizon - Operário - Pte Preta - Sampaio - Sport - Tombense - Vasco - Vila Nova