PY Trinidense

Martín Torres, Asunción

Go to Tournament - Season


El Triqui


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Trinidense Yellow and Red Cards in Copa Libertadores 2024

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
PY De la Cruz, L-33
PY Villalba, HD-22
PY Samudio, V-22
PY Delvalle, P-11
PY Giménez, Oscar (1990)-11
PY Vera, JA-11
PY Salcedo, Juan-11
PY Riveros, M-11
PY Jara, Jorge-11
PY Román, J-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)01414

    conmebol Copa Libertadores 2024

Acad. PC - Al. Ready - Ali. Lima - ANacional - At.-MG - Aucas - Aurora - Águilas - Barcelona - Bolivar - Botafogo - Caracas - Cerro - Cobresal - Colo Colo - Defensor - El Nacio. - Estud. LP - Flamengo - Fluminense - Godoy Cruz - Grêmio - Huachipato - IDV - Junior - Libertad - Liga - Liverpool - Melgar - Millos - Nacional - Nacional - Palestino - Palmeiras - Peñarol - Portguesa - R.Central - RB Braga - River - S Cristal - S.Lorenzo - São Paulo - Strongest - Tall. Cba - Táchira - Trinidens - Universit