NO Stabæk Fotball

Nadderud stadion, Bærum

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Stabæk Fotball


Last Visitors Ratings:
refereeNOEskås3.7 (3)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)

Stabæk Fotball Analysis at Tippeligaen 2016

Players to watch
30 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


CI Mandé (29)
IN Sandhu (1)

Right backs [ ?]

NO Granli (12)
NO Hanche-Olsen (10)
NO Race (4)
NO Meling (4)
Centre backs [ ?]

NO Skjønsberg (30)
NO Næss, N (16)
SE Nilsson, Marcus (1988) (13)
NO Hanche-Olsen (1)
Left backs [ ?]

NO Meling (16)
NO Moe, J (12)
NO Race (1)
NO Granli (1)
Right midfielders

GH Asante, E (20)
BR Alanzinho (5)
NO Njie, Moussa (4)
NO Keita, M (1)
Centre midfielders

US Grossman, C (23)
GH Issah, K (17)
CI Kassi (14)
GE Gorozia (12)
NO Omoijuanfo (7)
NO Meling (7)
NO Keita, M (5)
Scotland Davey, A (4)
AL Mehmeti (1)
Left midfielders

NO Njie, Moussa (17)
CI Kassi (5)
NO Keita, M (3)
GE Gorozia (2)
NO Omoijuanfo (2)
AL Mehmeti (1)

AL Mehmeti (15)
NO Omoijuanfo (6)
CR Escoe (4)
CI Kassi (2)
NO Mehnert, M (1)
NO Njie, Moussa (1)
NO Pedersen, Seb (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
March 2016
    Coach McKinlay since 30-Nov-15
M.111-Mar away Aalesund1-04-2-3-1
M.220-Mar Molde1-24-2-3-1In:Meling, Davey, Mehmeti, Out:Race, Gorozia, Mehnert,
April 2016
M.303-Apr away B.Glimt3-14-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.409-Apr Vålerenga2-14-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.517-Apr away Sarpsborg1-14-2-3-1In:Race, Out:Granli,
M.620-Apr Godset0-14-2-3-1In:Gorozia, Out:Davey,
M.725-Apr away Haugesund3-14-2-3-1In:Grossman, Out:Omoi'fo,
May 2016
M.801-May Odd1-24-2-3-1In:Omoi'fo, Njie, Out:Issah, Gorozia,
M.908-May away Rosenborg3-14-2-3-1In:Granli, Issah, Out:Race, Omoi'fo,
M.1012-May Viking1-04-2-3-1In:Omoi'fo, Out:Mehmeti,
M.1116-May away Brann1-04-2-3-1In:Mehmeti, Out:Omoi'fo,
M.1221-May Tromsø0-34-2-3-1In:Moe, J, Out:Meling,
M.1329-May away Start0-54-2-3-1In:Sandhu, Meling, Gorozia, Omoi'fo, Out:Mandé, Granli, Kassi, Njie,
July 2016
M.1403-Jul Sogndal0-14-2-3-1In:Mandé, Njie, Out:Sandhu, Issah,
    Coach Ordinas since 08-Jul-16
M.1510-Jul away Lillstrom1-24-2-3-1In:Issah, Out:Mehmeti,
M.1617-Jul Brann1-14-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.1724-Jul away Tromsø2-24-2-3-1In:Granli, Nilsson, Kassi, Mehmeti, Out:Næss, Moe, J, Grossman, Omoi'fo,
M.1831-Jul away Godset2-24-2-3-1In:Grossman, Out:Issah,
August 2016
M.1907-Aug Haugesund0-14-2-3-1In:Issah, Out:Mehmeti,
            11-Aug to 13-Aug Davey, A Knock
M.2014-Aug away Viking2-24-2-3-1In:Hanc'en, Mehmeti, Out:Granli, Kassi,
M.2121-Aug Aalesund3-04-2-3-1In:Moe, J, Kassi, Alanzinho, Keita, Out:Meling, Issah, Asante, Gorozia,
M.2228-Aug away Sogndal1-14-2-3-1In:Granli, Meling, Out:Nilsson, Moe, J,
September 2016
M.2311-Sep Rosenborg0-24-2-3-1In:Nilsson, Escoe, Out:Granli, Mehmeti,
M.2418-Sep away Odd0-14-2-3-1In:Granli, Gorozia, Out:Kassi, Alanzinho,
M.2526-Sep B.Glimt1-04-2-3-1In:Moe, J, Alanzinho, Out:Granli, Gorozia,
October 2016
M.2601-Oct Lillstrom1-24-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.2716-Oct away Vålerenga1-14-2-3-1In:Gorozia, Pedersen, Out:Alanzinho, Escoe,
M.2822-Oct Sarpsborg1-24-2-3-1In:Kassi, Omoi'fo, Out:Gorozia, Pedersen,
M.2930-Oct away Molde3-04-2-3-1In:Gorozia, Out:Keita,
November 2016
M.3006-Nov Start3-04-2-3-1In:Keita, Out:Gorozia,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    NO Tippeligaen 2016

Aalesund - B.Glimt - Brann - Godset - Haugesund - Lillstrom - Molde - Odd - Rosenborg - Sarpsborg - Sogndal - Stabæk - Start - Tromsø - Vålerenga - Viking