England Stevenage

Broadhall Way, Stevenage

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The Boro


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Sat Mar.22 - League One - Stevenage vs Birminghm - Your Prediction?

Stevenage Yellow and Red Cards in League One 2024/2025

Sent off MinGame
Wales Thompson, L9318-Jan-25 Stevenage 1 - Wigan Athletic 2

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
Wales Thompson, L11013
TT Phillips, DS-1010
England Roberts, Jordan-88
England Piergianni-77
England Freestone, L-66
England Butler, Dan-55
England White, Harvey-44
England Kemp, D-33
England Sweeney, D-33
England Smith, Kane-22
England Thompson, N-22
Northen Ireland Reid, Jamie (1994jul)-22
AG James-Wildin-22
Wales King, E-22
England Goode-22
Scotland Pressley, A-11
England Simpson, TT-11
England Aboh-11
England List-11
England Cooper, Murphy-11
England Freeman, N-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)17477

Red cards conceded against Stevenage

Sent off
England Weir, Jensen
GY Vancooten
Scotland Lindsay, Jamie
England Eaves
IE O'Connor, Paudie

    England League One 2024/2025

Barnsley - Birminghm - Blackpool - Bolton - Bristol R - Burton - Cambridge - Charlton - Crawley - Exeter - Huddersfd - L Orient - Lincoln C - Mansfield - Northmptn - Peterboro - Reading - Rotherham - Shrewsbry - Stevenage - Stockport - Wigan - Wrexham - Wycombe