CH Switzerland

Tissot Arena, Biel

Go to Tournament - Season


Schweizer Nati


Last Visitors Ratings:
refereeNOEskås3.7 (3)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)
coachScotlandSharp5.0 (11)

Fri Sep.05 - UEFA World Cup Qualifiers - Switz CH vs XK Kosovo - Your Prediction?

Switzerland Injured Players in Algarve Cup 2019

Tournament dates: 27-Feb-19 to 06-Mar-19

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    fifa Algarve Cup 2019

Canada - China, PR - Denmark - Iceland - Norway - Nth lands - Poland - Portugal - Scotland - Spain - Sweden - Switz