IT Taranto

Erasmo Iacovone, Taranto

Go to Tournament - Season




Last Visitors Ratings:
playerPTCristiano Ronaldo4.5 (421)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachITBrocchi4.3 (9)

Wed Mar.12 - Serie C - Taranto vs Potenza - Your Prediction?

Taranto Yellow and Red Cards in Lega Pro Prima Divisione Girone A 2011/2012

Sent off MinGame
UY Bremec5731-Oct-11 Benevento 2 - Taranto 1
UY Sosa, Cristian (1985)6512-Feb-12 Taranto 1 - Carpi 1
UY Sosa, Cristian (1985)5111-Mar-12 Monza 0 - Taranto 0
IT Antonazzo9025-Feb-12 Ternana 1 - Taranto 1
IT Sciaudone5525-Feb-12 Ternana 1 - Taranto 1
IT Sciaudone8901-Apr-12 Taranto 2 - Foggia 1
IT Rizzi5209-Oct-11 Carpi 0 - Taranto 2
FR Rantier7712-Oct-11 Taranto 0 - Ternana 1
IT De Gasperi6727-Nov-11 Tritium 1908 1 - Taranto 1

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
IT Sciaudone2713
IT Rizzi1912
UY Sosa, Cristian (1985)2511
FR Rantier158
IT Prosperi, P-88
IT Antonazzo136
IT Di Bari-66
UY Bremec125
BR Chiaretti-55
IT De Gasperi114
IT Di Deo-44
IT Alessandro, D-44
IT Pensalfini-33
IT Guazzo-33
IT Girardi-22
SN Coly, Mohamed-22
IT Bertolucci-11
IT Cutrupi-11
GH Saani-11
IT Giorgino-11
IT Mendicino-11
IT Russo, Nicola-11
IT Vicedomini-11
IT Sabatino-11
IT Faraon-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)978105

Red cards conceded against Taranto

Sent off
IT Bedin
GN Traore, ML
IT Modolo
IT Possenti
IT Venitucci
IT De Giosa
IT Gheller
IT Perpetuini
IT Di Nunzio
IT Litteri

    IT Lega Pro Prima Divisione - A 2011/2012

Avellino - Benevento - Carpi - Como - Foggia - Foligno - Lumezzane - Monza - Pavia - Pisa - PVercelli - Reggiana - Sorrento - Spal - Taranto - Ternana - Tritium - Viareggio