BY FC Torpedo-BelAZ

Torpedo, Zhodino

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FC Torpedo-BelAZ


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerGRBallas1.5 (2)
match Portsmth - Leeds5.0 (1)
playerPTCristiano Ronaldo4.5 (421)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)

FC Torpedo-BelAZ Injured Players in Kubok of Belarus 2011/2012

Tournament dates: 14-Jun-11 to 20-May-12

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    BY Kubok of Belarus 2011/2012

B Grodno - Baranov. - BATE - Belshina - BelTG - Bereza - D Brest - D.Minsk - Dnepr - DSK - E BGU Msk - Energetik - Gomel - Gorodeya - Granit - GZDT - Khimik Sv - Klechesk - Kobrin - Komm. Sl - Lida - Livadiya - Minsk - Molodech. - Naftan - Neman - Neman Mt - Nika - Orsha - Osipovich - Partizan - Partizan2 - Polotsk - Rudensk - Shakhtyor - SKVICH - Slaviya - Slutsk - Smorgon - Torpedo - Tsement. - Vedrich - Vertikal - Vigvam - Vitebsk - Volna - Zabudova - Zhlobin