CL Unión Temuco

Go to Tournament - Season

Unión Temuco

Rojo del Ñielol


Closed 2013

Last Visitors Ratings:
playerSLBah5.0 (1)
coachFINuutinen5.0 (1)
My Line-upMan.City by kaizer
coachTRŞahin1.0 (1)
playerESChema Andrés4.0 (1)

Squad Changes between 02-Aug-08 and 18-Feb-09
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

CL Galleguillos, CDF in 01-Jan-09
CL Alzamora, HDF in 01-Jan-09
CL López, WladimirDF22 in 01-Jan-09
CL Saavedra, SDF21 in 01-Jan-09
CL Melo, RDF20 in 01-Jan-09from CLUnión La Calera
CL Venegas, CFW in 01-Jan-09
CL NaveaFW20 in 01-Jan-09loan from CLSantiago Wanderers
CL Alvarez, HFW21 in 01-Jan-09
CL Salinas, OFW20 in 01-Jan-09from CLDeportes Melipilla
CL Toro, NGK21 in 01-Jan-09from CLUniversidad de Chile
CL González, Cristián (1987)MF20 in 01-Jan-09
CL Robles, RMF in 01-Jan-09
CL Novoa, JohnMF20 in 01-Jan-09from CLCobreloa
CL González, JeromeMF19 in 01-Jan-09
CL Aguilera, PMF21 in 01-Jan-09loan from CLUniversidad Católica

CL LemaríDF22 out 31-Dec-08loan to CLProvincial Osorno
CL Ruiz, LeoDF23 out 31-Dec-08loan to CLProvincial Osorno
CL Sánchez, Diego (1987)GK21 out 31-Dec-08to CLDeportes Temuco
CL Lepe, MMF22 out 31-Dec-08to CLNaval
CL Novoa, GMF22 out 31-Dec-08to CLUniversidad de Chile

    CL Copa Chile 2008

AF Vial - Antofa - Audax - Ñublense - Barnechea - Bellavista - Cabildo - Cobreloa - Cobresal - Colchagua - Colo Colo - Copiapó - Coquimbo - Coyhaique - Curicó - Everton - Ferro - Huachipato - Iberia - Iquique - La Calera - La Serena - Linares - Lota - Magallane - Malleco - Mejillone - Melipilla - Naval - OHiggins - Ormazábal - Osorno - Ovalle - P. Arenas - P.Montt - Palestino - Pto Aysén - Quilpué - Rangers - S Morning - S. Felipe - S. Marcos - S.Wand - San Luis - Sta. Cruz - Talagante - Temuco - Tocopilla - Trasandin - U. Conce - U. Temuco - U.C. - U.Chile - Unión - Valdivia