BO Universitario Sucre

Olímpico Patria, Sucre

Go to Tournament - Season

Universitario Sucre

El Docto


Last Visitors Ratings:
match Valladlid - A.Madrid3.0 (1)
My Line-upMan.City by Morakinyo blessing
My Line-upR.Madrid by Dylan
My Line-upMan.Utd by NASSER
My Line-up

Squad Changes between 10-Dec-13 and 10-Dec-14
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

AR FilipettoDF26 in 01-Jan-14from ARAlmirante Brown
BO Guzman, HDF in 01-Jan-14
BO Zárate, DFW19 in 01-Jan-14
AR Ojeda, LFW28 in 01-Jan-14from CLRangers
BO Castedo, LorgioGK26 in 01-Jan-14from BOLa Paz FC
BO RappuMF in 01-Jan-14
AR Silvestre, FedericoMF26 in 01-Jan-14from ARAlumni de Villa Maria
BO Navarro, SRDF23 in from BOReal Potosi
BO Bonilla, Bryan AFW in
BO Cabrera, DFW32 in from BOGuabirá
BO TorrezFW23 in loan from BONacional Potosi
ES Nacho RodriguezFW31 in from ESAlcoyano
BO Zabala, JMF in from BOReal Potosi
BO Sandoval, DiegoMF23 in from BOBlooming
AR MoscaMF23 in from CLSantiago Morning

BO Galarza, LGK29 out 30-Dec-13
AR Gaviglio, EFW26 out 31-Dec-13to CLNaval
BO Delgadillo, AMF20 out 31-Dec-13
BO Torres, SaúlDF24 out to BOReal Potosi
BO Guzman, HDF out
BO Barra, RolandoDF27 out to BOSport Boys Warnes
AR Guevara, LAFW29 out to ARAltos Hornos Zapla
BO Zárate, DFW19 out
BO Pinedo, GMF26 out to ARSan Martín de San Juan

    conmebol Copa Sudamericana 2014

Ali. Lima - ANacional - Anztegui - Águilas - Bahia - Barcelona - Boca - Cali - Caracas - Católica - Cerro - Cobresal - Criciúma - D.Capiatá - Danubio - Emelec - Estud. LP - Fluminense - Gen. Díaz - Godoy Cruz - Goiás - Gsia. LP - Huachipato - IDV - Inter - Inti Gas - Iquique - J.Wilsman - La Guaira - Lanús - Libertad - Millos - N. Potosí - Peñarol - R.Central - Rentistas - River - River (U) - San José - São Paulo - Sport - Trujl nos - U.C. - U.Sucre - UCV - UTC - Vitória