DK Danish Superliga
3F Superliga
FC Copenhagen
Danish Superliga
Danish Superliga 2022/2023

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coachDEPfeiffer4.8 (23)
coachDEPfeiffer4.8 (23)

15-Jul-22 - Matchday 1Team of the WeekRegular seasonMidtjyl. 1-1 Randers Hansen, J
17-Jul-22Regular seasonViborg 2-1 AaB Kristoffersen
17-Jul-22Regular seasonLyngby 2-2 Silkeborg Redder
17-Jul-22Regular seasonFC Cph. 0-1 Horsens Kehlet
17-Jul-22Regular seasonBrøndby 1-0 AGF Putros
18-Jul-22Regular seasonOB 0-2 Nordsjæl. Maae
22-Jul-22 - Matchday 2Team of the WeekRegular seasonMidtjyl. 1-3 Silkeborg Sundberg
24-Jul-22Regular seasonAGF 3-1 Viborg Uslu
24-Jul-22Regular seasonRanders 2-2 OB Kjærsgaard
24-Jul-22Regular seasonBrøndby 1-3 Nordsjæl. Burchardt
24-Jul-22Regular seasonAaB 1-3 FC Cph. Krogh
25-Jul-22Regular seasonHorsens 1-0 Lyngby Tykgaard
29-Jul-22 - Matchday 3Team of the WeekRegular seasonOB 1-5 Midtjyl. Burchardt
31-Jul-22Regular seasonAGF 0-0 Randers Kjærsgaard
31-Jul-22Regular seasonAaB 0-0 Horsens Putros
31-Jul-22Regular seasonViborg 4-2 FC Cph. Hansen, J
31-Jul-22Regular seasonSilkeborg 2-0 Brøndby Kristoffersen
01-Aug-22Regular seasonNordsjæl. 2-1 Lyngby Karlsen
05-Aug-22 - Matchday 4Team of the WeekRegular seasonRanders 1-0 Horsens Maae
05-Aug-22Regular seasonLyngby 3-3 Midtjyl. Uslu
06-Aug-22Regular seasonNordsjæl. 1-0 Viborg Redder
07-Aug-22Regular seasonFC Cph. 4-1 Brøndby Sundberg
07-Aug-22Regular seasonOB 1-2 AGF Krogh
08-Aug-22Regular seasonSilkeborg 3-1 AaB Kehlet
12-Aug-22 - Matchday 5Team of the WeekRegular seasonHorsens 3-3 Midtjyl. Kehlet
12-Aug-22Regular seasonFC Cph. 1-3 Randers Putros
14-Aug-22Regular seasonViborg 2-0 Silkeborg Tykgaard
14-Aug-22Regular seasonAaB 0-0 Nordsjæl. Kristoffersen
14-Aug-22Regular seasonBrøndby 2-0 OB Hansen, J
15-Aug-22Regular seasonAGF 1-0 Lyngby Burchardt
19-Aug-22 - Matchday 6Team of the WeekRegular seasonLyngby 0-3 FC Cph. Krogh
20-Aug-22Regular seasonMidtjyl. 0-2 AGF Maae
21-Aug-22Regular seasonNordsjæl. 0-2 Silkeborg Uslu
21-Aug-22Regular seasonRanders 1-0 Viborg Sundberg
21-Aug-22Regular seasonAaB 2-1 Brøndby Kjærsgaard
22-Aug-22Regular seasonOB 1-0 Horsens Burchardt
26-Aug-22 - Matchday 7Team of the WeekRegular seasonHorsens 2-1 AGF Putros
28-Aug-22Regular seasonRanders 1-0 AaB Karlsen
28-Aug-22Regular seasonViborg 2-1 Lyngby Kehlet
28-Aug-22Regular seasonNordsjæl. 3-1 FC Cph. Burchardt
28-Aug-22Regular seasonSilkeborg 1-2 OB Kristoffersen
29-Aug-22Regular seasonBrøndby 0-2 Midtjyl. Redder
02-Sep-22 - Matchday 8Team of the WeekRegular seasonFC Cph. 1-0 Silkeborg Maae
04-Sep-22Regular seasonOB 1-2 Viborg Kjærsgaard
04-Sep-22Regular seasonLyngby 0-2 Randers Hansen, J
04-Sep-22Regular seasonHorsens 0-2 Brøndby Uslu
04-Sep-22Regular seasonMidtjyl. 0-2 AaB Krogh
05-Sep-22Regular seasonAGF 2-3 Nordsjæl. Sundberg
10-Sep-22 - Matchday 9Team of the WeekRegular seasonOB 2-1 FC Cph. Kehlet
11-Sep-22Regular seasonAaB 1-1 Lyngby Kjærsgaard
11-Sep-22Regular seasonNordsjæl. 1-1 Midtjyl. Putros
11-Sep-22Regular seasonBrøndby 2-2 Randers Krogh
11-Sep-22Regular seasonSilkeborg 1-0 AGF Burchardt
12-Sep-22Regular seasonViborg 2-1 Horsens Kristoffersen
16-Sep-22 - Matchday 10Team of the WeekRegular seasonHorsens 1-0 Nordsjæl. Karlsen
17-Sep-22Regular seasonAGF 3-1 AaB Uslu
18-Sep-22Regular seasonLyngby 0-2 OB Redder
18-Sep-22Regular seasonRanders 3-2 Silkeborg Kjærsgaard
18-Sep-22Regular seasonViborg 0-0 Brøndby Sundberg
18-Sep-22Regular seasonMidtjyl. 2-1 FC Cph. Kristoffersen
30-Sep-22 - Matchday 11Team of the WeekRegular seasonAaB 1-1 OB Maae
02-Oct-22Regular seasonMidtjyl. 1-1 Viborg Hansen, J
02-Oct-22Regular seasonSilkeborg 2-1 Horsens Putros
02-Oct-22Regular seasonBrøndby 3-3 Lyngby Kehlet
02-Oct-22Regular seasonFC Cph. 1-0 AGF Sundberg
03-Oct-22Regular seasonNordsjæl. 3-1 Randers Burchardt
07-Oct-22 - Matchday 12Team of the WeekRegular seasonLyngby 1-1 Viborg Uslu
08-Oct-22Regular seasonFC Cph. 1-1 Nordsjæl. Kjærsgaard
09-Oct-22Regular seasonAGF 0-1 Midtjyl. Krogh
09-Oct-22Regular seasonOB 1-1 Silkeborg Kehlet
09-Oct-22Regular seasonRanders 2-3 Brøndby Kristoffersen
10-Oct-22Regular seasonHorsens 0-0 AaB Redder
14-Oct-22 - Matchday 13Team of the WeekRegular seasonLyngby 0-2 AaB Karlsen
16-Oct-22Regular seasonBrøndby 1-1 FC Cph. Krogh
16-Oct-22Regular seasonViborg 0-0 OB Putros
16-Oct-22Regular seasonNordsjæl. 1-1 AGF Maae
16-Oct-22Regular seasonMidtjyl. 2-1 Horsens Sundberg
17-Oct-22Regular seasonSilkeborg 3-3 Randers Uslu
21-Oct-22 - Matchday 14Team of the WeekRegular seasonOB 3-1 Lyngby Burchardt
22-Oct-22Regular seasonFC Cph. 1-1 Midtjyl. Kristoffersen
23-Oct-22Regular seasonRanders 0-2 Nordsjæl. Kehlet
23-Oct-22Regular seasonHorsens 3-2 Silkeborg Hansen, J
23-Oct-22Regular seasonAGF 2-2 Brøndby Redder
24-Oct-22Regular seasonAaB 1-3 Viborg Kjærsgaard
28-Oct-22 - Matchday 15Team of the WeekRegular seasonNordsjæl. 2-0 Horsens Tykgaard
29-Oct-22Regular seasonRanders 0-2 FC Cph. Sundberg
30-Oct-22Regular seasonLyngby 0-1 AGF Krogh
30-Oct-22Regular seasonSilkeborg 1-2 Viborg Kristoffersen
30-Oct-22Regular seasonBrøndby 3-2 AaB Kehlet
31-Oct-22Regular seasonMidtjyl. 1-2 OB Uslu
04-Nov-22 - Matchday 16Team of the WeekRegular seasonHorsens 5-1 Randers Karlsen
06-Nov-22Regular seasonAaB 1-2 Silkeborg Maae
06-Nov-22Regular seasonViborg 1-1 AGF Burchardt
06-Nov-22Regular seasonFC Cph. 3-0 Lyngby Putros
06-Nov-22Regular seasonOB 1-1 Brøndby Tykgaard
07-Nov-22Regular seasonMidtjyl. 0-0 Nordsjæl. Kjærsgaard
12-Nov-22 - Matchday 17Team of the WeekRegular seasonSilkeborg 0-2 Lyngby Uslu
13-Nov-22Regular seasonAGF 0-2 FC Cph. Kristoffersen
13-Nov-22Regular seasonHorsens 3-3 OB Redder
13-Nov-22Regular seasonBrøndby 0-2 Viborg Sundberg
13-Nov-22Regular seasonNordsjæl. 5-1 AaB Krogh
13-Nov-22Regular seasonRanders 0-0 Midtjyl. Kehlet
17-Feb-23 - Matchday 18Team of the WeekRegular seasonAaB 0-1 AGF Putros
19-Feb-23Regular seasonOB 0-0 Randers Uslu
19-Feb-23Regular seasonLyngby 1-1 Nordsjæl. Krogh
19-Feb-23Regular seasonSilkeborg 0-3 FC Cph. Kristoffersen
19-Feb-23Regular seasonBrøndby 5-2 Horsens Burchardt
20-Feb-23Regular seasonViborg 0-4 Midtjyl. Karlsen
24-Feb-23 - Matchday 19Team of the WeekRegular seasonNordsjæl. 4-2 OB Hansen, J
26-Feb-23Regular seasonHorsens 0-3 Viborg CYAntoniou, M
26-Feb-23Regular seasonRanders 1-0 Lyngby Maae
26-Feb-23Regular seasonFC Cph. 1-0 AaB Kehlet
26-Feb-23Regular seasonAGF 1-1 Silkeborg Sundberg
27-Feb-23Regular seasonMidtjyl. 0-1 Brøndby Redder
03-Mar-23 - Matchday 20Team of the WeekRegular seasonAGF 2-0 Horsens Kristoffersen
05-Mar-23Regular seasonSilkeborg 2-1 Nordsjæl. Karlsen
05-Mar-23Regular seasonViborg 2-2 Randers Kehlet
05-Mar-23Regular seasonLyngby 1-0 Brøndby Putros
05-Mar-23Regular seasonFC Cph. 7-0 OB Krogh
06-Mar-23Regular seasonAaB 0-0 Midtjyl. Kjærsgaard
10-Mar-23 - Matchday 21Team of the WeekRegular seasonOB 2-1 AaB Sundberg
12-Mar-23Regular seasonViborg 1-1 Nordsjæl. Burchardt
12-Mar-23Regular seasonMidtjyl. 1-3 Lyngby Uslu
12-Mar-23Regular seasonHorsens 1-4 FC Cph. Maae
12-Mar-23Regular seasonBrøndby 2-1 Silkeborg Kehlet
13-Mar-23Regular seasonRanders 1-2 AGF Krogh
19-Mar-23 - Matchday 22Team of the WeekRegular seasonAGF 1-0 OB Kjærsgaard
19-Mar-23Regular seasonFC Cph. 2-1 Viborg Redder
19-Mar-23Regular seasonAaB 0-1 Randers Hansen, J
19-Mar-23Regular seasonNordsjæl. 2-1 Brøndby Kristoffersen
19-Mar-23Regular seasonSilkeborg 3-3 Midtjyl. Putros
19-Mar-23Regular seasonLyngby 1-1 Horsens Graagaard
31-Mar-23 - Matchday 23Team of the WeekRelegation roundOB 1-3 Midtjyl. Kehlet
02-Apr-23Relegation roundHorsens 0-4 AaB Burchardt
02-Apr-23Relegation roundLyngby 1-1 Silkeborg CYAthanasiou
02-Apr-23Championship roundBrøndby 0-3 Viborg Karlsen
02-Apr-23Championship roundFC Cph. 2-1 Nordsjæl. Kehlet
03-Apr-23Championship roundAGF 1-1 Randers Maae
09-Apr-23 - Matchday 24Team of the WeekChampionship roundViborg 0-1 AGF Uslu
10-Apr-23Relegation roundAaB 2-3 OB Graagaard
10-Apr-23Relegation roundMidtjyl. 1-0 Lyngby Hansen, J
10-Apr-23Championship roundRanders 1-0 FC Cph. Kjærsgaard
10-Apr-23Championship roundNordsjæl. 2-1 Brøndby Krogh
11-Apr-23Relegation roundSilkeborg 1-2 Horsens Redder
14-Apr-23 - Matchday 25Team of the WeekRelegation roundMidtjyl. 1-1 AaB Karlsen
16-Apr-23Relegation roundLyngby 2-1 Horsens Maae
16-Apr-23Relegation roundOB 2-0 Silkeborg Putros
16-Apr-23Championship roundFC Cph. 2-1 Viborg Kristoffersen
16-Apr-23Championship roundBrøndby 1-0 AGF Sundberg
17-Apr-23Championship roundRanders 1-1 Nordsjæl. CYAntoniou, M
21-Apr-23 - Matchday 26Team of the WeekRelegation roundSilkeborg 2-2 AaB Kjærsgaard
23-Apr-23Relegation roundHorsens 0-2 Midtjyl. Graagaard
23-Apr-23Championship roundViborg 1-0 Nordsjæl. Burchardt
23-Apr-23Championship roundBrøndby 0-4 Randers Kehlet
23-Apr-23Championship roundAGF 0-0 FC Cph. Redder
24-Apr-23Relegation roundOB 2-2 Lyngby Sundberg
28-Apr-23 - Matchday 27Team of the WeekRelegation roundHorsens 2-2 OB Uslu
30-Apr-23Relegation roundAaB 1-0 Lyngby Krogh
30-Apr-23Championship roundViborg 3-1 Randers Hansen, J
30-Apr-23Championship roundFC Cph. 0-1 Brøndby Putros
30-Apr-23Championship roundNordsjæl. 0-1 AGF Kristoffersen
01-May-23Relegation roundMidtjyl. 3-0 Silkeborg Burchardt
07-May-23 - Matchday 28Team of the WeekRelegation roundAaB 4-0 Horsens Sundberg
07-May-23Relegation roundSilkeborg 0-1 OB Hansen, J
07-May-23Relegation roundLyngby 2-1 Midtjyl. Redder
07-May-23Championship roundRanders 1-3 Brøndby Maae
07-May-23Championship roundAGF 3-0 Viborg Karlsen
08-May-23Championship roundNordsjæl. 3-2 FC Cph. Kjærsgaard
12-May-23 - Matchday 29Team of the WeekRelegation roundOB 1-1 AaB CYTheouli
14-May-23Relegation roundSilkeborg 1-0 Lyngby Graagaard
14-May-23Relegation roundMidtjyl. 3-1 Horsens Karlsen
14-May-23Championship roundBrøndby 1-3 FC Cph. Redder
14-May-23Championship roundAGF 1-1 Nordsjæl. Krogh
15-May-23Championship roundRanders 0-2 Viborg Burchardt
19-May-23 - Matchday 30Team of the WeekRelegation roundHorsens 0-1 Silkeborg Maae
21-May-23Relegation roundAaB 0-2 Midtjyl. Burchardt
21-May-23Relegation roundLyngby 0-4 OB Putros
21-May-23Championship roundViborg 1-1 Brøndby Kjærsgaard
21-May-23Championship roundFC Cph. 4-3 AGF Kristoffersen
22-May-23Championship roundNordsjæl. 3-1 Randers Uslu
26-May-23 - Matchday 31Team of the WeekRelegation roundOB 2-1 Horsens Kjærsgaard
29-May-23Relegation roundSilkeborg 3-3 Midtjyl. Sundberg
29-May-23Relegation roundLyngby 2-1 AaB Kehlet
29-May-23Championship roundViborg 1-2 FC Cph. Krogh
29-May-23Championship roundBrøndby 5-1 Nordsjæl. Putros
30-May-23Championship roundRanders 1-3 AGF Redder
03-Jun-23 - Matchday 32Team of the WeekRelegation roundMidtjyl. 4-2 OB Kristoffersen
03-Jun-23Relegation roundAaB 0-1 Silkeborg Putros
03-Jun-23Relegation roundHorsens 0-0 Lyngby Krogh
04-Jun-23Championship roundNordsjæl. 0-0 Viborg Sundberg
04-Jun-23Championship roundFC Cph. 1-1 Randers Hansen, J
04-Jun-23Championship roundAGF 3-3 Brøndby Maae
09-Jun-23 - Matchday 33Conference LeagueViborg 0-1 Midtjyl. Kjærsgaard

    DK Tournaments

    Danish 1st Division 2009/2010     Horsens
            2008/2009     Herfølge
            2007/2008     Vejle BK

    Danish Superliga 2024/2025    
            2023/2024     Midtjyl.
            2022/2023     FC Cph.
            2021/2022     FC Cph.
            2020/2021     Brøndby
            2019/2020     Midtjyl.
            2018/2019     FC Cph.
            2017/2018     Midtjyl.
            2016/2017     FC Cph.
            2015/2016     FC Cph.
            2014/2015     Midtjyl.
            2013/2014     AaB
            2012/2013     FC Cph.
            2011/2012     Nordsjæl.
            2010/2011     FC Cph.
            2009/2010     FC Cph.
            2008/2009     FC Cph.
            2007/2008     AaB
            2006/2007     FC Cph.
            2005/2006     FC Cph.
            2004/2005     Brøndby

    Danish Cup 2018/2019    
            2016/2017     FC Cph.
            2015/2016     FC Cph.
            2014/2015     FC Cph.
            2013/2014     AaB
            2012/2013     Esbjerg
            2011/2012     FC Cph.
            2010/2011     Nordsjæl.
            2009/2010     Nordsjæl.
            2008/2009     FC Cph.
            2007/2008     Brøndby

    Danish Liga Cup 2006     Brøndby
            2005     Brøndby

    Viasat Cup 2006     Nordsjæl.