Latvia Soloņicins

Genadijs Solonicins

Born:03-Jan-80 Age: 45
Fav.foot: Both

Position: Either side midfield
Box-to-Box midfielder
FK Liepāja Latvia

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coachEnglandMcIntyre, C5.0 (1)
playerEnglandHeaven3.0 (1)
playerARGarnacho5.0 (2)
playerDKHøjlund3.3 (3)
playerPTBruno Fernandes4.1 (8)


List of Penalties for Soloņicins

Click on Team to see detail
TeamTournamentLineupsPen. ScoredMissed
LV LiepajaEuropa League Qualifying 2012/201341-

Notice: Some missed penalties could be scored on rebound