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refereeEnglandHooper1.2 (350)
coachNLde Jong, H3.0 (1)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)

THIS IS NOT A FANTASY LEAGUE. We are a group of football (soccer) enthusiasts who want to share their knowledge with other people. If you want to join us POSTING VERIFIABLE DATA please fill the following form. Preventing vandalism and taking care of the hard (free) work of many people, your submitted form would be check by an Administrator who will decide if your account can be confirmed, so please complete all fields correctly.

In the event your account is confirmed you will be notified by email.

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How many TV games you watch per week ?
Which league would you like to help?
Are there any good sport newspapers in your area ? which
Any other info about yourself that could help convince the Administrator:

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Administrators reserves the right to moderate the entries of contributors, or to remove them completely if that entry is not connected with sharing of related knowledge consistent with the aims of the site.
User Accounts would be banned from the site without warning

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