Denmark Kolding

Danny Kolding

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List of games of linesman Kolding

Games on database
    19-Nov-21DK Superliga Regular season - M.16OB 2:3 Viborg 2Sundberg     ?
    24-Oct-21DK Superliga Regular season - M.13Silkeborg 1:1 OB 2Putros     ?
    03DK Superliga Regular season - M.11Midtjyl. 4:0 AGF 2Putros     ?
    19-Sep-21DK Superliga Regular season - M.9Vejle BK 1:1 Viborg 2Uslu     ?
    10DK Superliga Regular season - M.8Midtjyl. 2:0 Nordsjæl. 2Redder     ?
    13-Aug-21DK Superliga Regular season - M.5Brøndby 0:1 Nordsjæl. 2Kjærsgaard     ?
    02DK Superliga Regular season - M.3Sønderjys 0:2 Nordsjæl. 2Maae     ?
    14-May-21DK Superliga Relegation round - M.30Vejle BK 2:2 OB 2Burchardt     ?
    25-Apr-21DK Superliga Relegation round - M.27OB 2:0 Lyngby 1Hansen, J     ?
    16DK Superliga Relegation round - M.25Vejle BK 1:1 AaB 2Uslu     ?
    14-Mar-21DK Superliga Regular season - M.21Sønderjys 2:0 Horsens 2Putros     ?
    03DK Superliga Regular season - M.19FC Cph. 2:1 Vejle BK 2Tykgaard     ?
    21-Feb-21DK Superliga Regular season - M.17Brøndby 2:1 Vejle BK 2Redder     ?
    13-Dec-20DK Superliga Regular season - M.12Nordsjæl. 0:1 FC Cph. 2Sundberg     ?
    04DK Superliga Regular season - M.11OB 2:1 AaB 2Maae     ?
    20-Nov-20DK Superliga Regular season - M.9Lyngby 1:1 Horsens 2Willaume-Jantzen     ?
    25-Oct-20DK Superliga Regular season - M.6Horsens 1:1 Nordsjæl. 2Poulsen     300
    20-Sep-20DK Superliga Regular season - M.2Vejle BK 4:1 Sønderjys 1Uslu     ?
    13DK Superliga Regular season - M.1Lyngby 0:0 AaB 2Redder     2138
    09-Jul-20DK Superliga Championship Round - M.32Brøndby 4:0 Nordsjæl. 2Krogh     4925
    22-Jun-20DK Superliga Relegation Round - M.29Lyngby 1:2 OB 2Poulsen     875
    18DK Superliga Relegation Round - M.28OB 2:0 Sønderjys 2Burchardt     closed
    07DK Superliga Regular season - M.26Horsens 3:2 Brøndby 2Kjærsgaard     closed
    08-Mar-20DK Superliga Regular season - M.24Nordsjæl. 2:2 Brøndby 2Kjærsgaard     closed
    23-Feb-20DK Superliga Regular season - M.22Silkeborg 1:1 FC Cph. 2Poulsen     3282
    08-Dec-19DK Superliga Regular season - M.19Silkeborg 2:1 Randers 2Sundberg     1984
    01DK Superliga Regular season - M.18Randers 3:0 Sønderjys 2Kristoffersen     2057
    24-Nov-19DK Superliga Regular season - M.17Silkeborg 1:2 Esbjerg 2Uslu     2876
    04DK Superliga Regular season - M.15Silkeborg 0:1 Brøndby 2Kehlet     5432
    20-Oct-19DK Superliga Regular season - M.13Sønderjys 1:4 Nordsjæl. 2Burchardt     4863
    30-Sep-19DK Superliga Regular season - M.11Horsens 1:1 Esbjerg 2Kehlet     1954
    20DK Superliga Regular season - M.10OB 1:2 AGF 2Redder     10441
    18-Aug-19DK Superliga Regular season - M.6Esbjerg 1:0 Lyngby 2Putros     3396
    12DK Superliga Regular season - M.5Sønderjys 0:0 AGF 2Krogh     5160
    04DK Superliga Regular season - M.4Brøndby 1:2 Horsens 2Poulsen     15148
    21-Jul-19DK Superliga Regular season - M.2Silkeborg 0:3 Horsens 2Putros     3535
    30-May-19DK Superliga Superliga qual. - M.37Lyngby 2:1 Vendsysse 2Krogh     4832
    05DK Superliga Europe Playoff R1 - M.33Sønderjys 1:1 Randers 2Kjærsgaard     4372
    26-Apr-19DK Superliga Group 2 - M.32AaB 1:1 Hobro 2Poulsen     5075
    21DK Superliga Group 1 - M.31Vejle BK 2:4 AGF 2Munch     6035
    15DK Superliga Group 1 - M.29Sønderjys 0:1 AGF 2Poulsen     5214
    31-Mar-19DK Superliga Group 1 - M.27Sønderjys 0:0 Horsens 2Burchardt     4287
    11DK Superliga Regular season - M.25AGF 1:2 OB 2Putros     7958
    03DK Superliga Regular season - M.24Sønderjys 3:0 Randers 2Poulsen     4236
    17-Feb-19DK Superliga Regular season - M.22OB 1:0 Vejle BK 2Munch     5907
    14-Dec-18DK Superliga Regular season - M.20OB 1:2 AaB 2Johansen     4404
    09DK Superliga Regular season - M.19Vejle BK 1:2 Brøndby 2Kjærsgaard     6994
    01DK Superliga Regular season - M.18OB 2:0 Vendsysse 2Putros     4346
    25-Nov-18DK Superliga Regular season - M.17Sønderjys 0:2 Brøndby 2Poulsen     6235
    02DK Superliga Regular season - M.15OB 1:0 Hobro 2Kristoffersen     4005
    22-Oct-18DK Superliga Regular season - M.13Brøndby 1:1 OB 1Tykgaard     12185
    10Danish Cup Third round - M.3Nykøbing 1:2 Vejle BK 2Sundberg     850
    26-Sep-18Danish Cup Third round - M.3Roskilde 0:5 AaB 2Kjærsgaard     992
    24DK Superliga Regular season - M.10OB 4:0 Horsens 2Putros     4365
    05Danish Cup Second round - M.2Fr.Amager 2:5 Roskilde 1Sundberg     696
    04Danish Cup Second round - M.2GVI 0:3 Sønderjys 2Munch     1000
    02DK Superliga Regular season - M.8AGF 1:1 Vendsysse 2Putros     7417
    08-Aug-18Danish Cup First round - M.1Nykøbing 1:0 Lyngby 1Stenzel     820
    05DK Superliga Regular season - M.4Horsens 2:2 Hobro 2Munch     3330
    22-Jul-18DK Superliga Regular season - M.2OB 2:2 Sønderjys 2Kehlet     5738
    19-May-18DK Superliga Europe Playoff R2 - M.35AGF 2:2 Sønderjys 2Putros     10768
    04DK Superliga Championship round - M.33Horsens 2:1 AaB 2Krogh     2420
    22-Apr-18DK Superliga Group 2 - M.31Randers 3:0 Sønderjys 2Willaume-Jantzen     2254
    01DK Superliga Group 2 - M.27Randers 2:0 Lyngby 2Poulsen     2240
    10-Mar-18DK Superliga Regular season - M.25Hobro 1:1 Silkeborg 1Kjærsgaard     1650
    28-Feb-18DK Superliga Regular season - M.23OB 3:1 Lyngby 2Kristoffersen     1673
    24DK Superliga Regular season - M.22Lyngby 0:0 AGF 2Tykgaard     2314
    18DK Superliga Regular season - M.21Helsingør 0:2 Horsens 2Burchardt     568
    08-Dec-17DK Superliga Regular season - M.19Horsens 2:1 Sønderjys 1Putros     1783
    02DK Superliga Regular season - M.18Lyngby 1:2 AaB 2Putros     1610
    26-Nov-17DK Superliga Regular season - M.17OB 3:0 Hobro 2Kristoffersen     4068
    27-Oct-17DK Superliga Regular season - M.14AGF 1:4 Nordsjæl. 2Krogh     5173
    20DK Superliga Regular season - M.13Midtjyl. 4:2 Horsens 2Krogh     7134
    25-Sep-17DK Superliga Regular season - M.10AGF 0:3 Midtjyl. 2Kristoffersen     9083
    20Danish Cup Third round - M.3Greve 0:7 Midtjyl. 2Kehlet     824
    15DK Superliga Regular season - M.9Silkeborg 1:0 OB 2Mogensen     3442
    10DK Superliga Regular season - M.8Lyngby 3:1 Helsingør 2Munch     3327
    29-Aug-17Danish Cup Second round - M.2Frem Saks 0:9 Greve 1Stenzel     ?
    21DK Superliga Regular season - M.6Nordsjæl. 1:0 Helsingør 2Kehlet     3520
    14Danish Cup First round - M.1Ølstykke 1:3 Næstved 1Munch     285
    08Danish Cup First round - M.1LUIF 0:5 Holbæk 1Stenzel     ?
    17-Jul-17DK Superliga Regular season - M.1OB 1:2 Nordsjæl. 2Maae     6993
    16-May-17DK Superliga Championship round - M.34Nordsjæl. 4:1 Sønderjys 2Putros     1611
    30-Apr-17DK Superliga Group 2 - M.31Viborg 1:1 AaB 2Tykgaard     4067
    07DK Superliga Group 1 - M.28OB 3:0 Esbjerg 2Krogh     5026
    10-Mar-17DK Superliga Main round - M.25Nordsjæl. 5:1 Silkeborg 2Burchardt     1585
    27-Feb-17DK Superliga Main round - M.23Lyngby 0:0 Esbjerg 2Maae     1224
    07-Sep-16Danish Cup Second round - M.2DMI 0:3 HB Køge 1Sørensen, K     ?
    05Danish Cup Second round - M.2Nykøbing 2:2 Næstved 1Willaume-Jantzen     1125
    31-Aug-16Danish Cup Second round - M.2OKS 0:2 Viborg 1Rasmussen     675
    10Danish Cup First round - M.1Fr.Amager 2:1 Avarta 2Poulsen     507
    09Danish Cup First round - M.1Birkerød 2:0 Jægersbor 2Christoffersen     ?
    22-Sep-15Danish Cup Third round - M.3Greve 2:1 Hvidovre 1Leander     ?
    15Danish Cup Second round - M.2Jægersbor 1:6 Roskilde 2Willaume-Jantzen     ?
    02Danish Cup Second round - M.2Fr. Valby 2:2 Hvidovre 1Sørensen, K     227
    01Danish Cup Second round - M.2Fr.sund 2:6 HB Køge 2Skibild     597
    12-Aug-15Danish Cup First round - M.1Bjæversko 0:4 Næstved 1Christoffersen     ?
    11Danish Cup First round - M.1Fr.sund 3:1 GVI 1Dahl Strandberg     192
    23-Sep-14Danish Cup Second round - M.2Greve 2:1 Nykøbing 2Sundberg     ?
    12-Aug-14Danish Cup First round - M.1Kalundbor 4:2 Frem Saks 2Dahl Strandberg     ?
    13-Aug-13Danish Cup First round - M.1Dragør 0:3 B 1908 1Knudsen, P     250

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