England Holderness

Barry Holderness

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List of games of linesman Holderness

Games on database
    07-May-16League Two League - M.46Notts Co 0:5 Carlisle 1Graham, F     5405
    23-Apr-16League One League - M.44Peterboro 0:2 Scunthorp 2Gibbs     5065
    09League Two League - M.41Northmptn 2:2 Bristol R 2Harrington     7579
    02League One League - M.40Swindon 1:1 Fleetwood 1Brown, M     6311
    28-Mar-16League Two League - M.39L Orient 0:2 Hartlepol 2Graham, F     5543
    19League One League - M.37Millwall 1:0 Sheff.Utd 1Langford     11175
    12League Two League - M.36Luton Town 0:1 Crawley 2Bull     8264
    13-Feb-16Championship League - M.31Brighton 3:2 Bolton 2Lewis, R     26717
    06League Two League - M.30Northmptn 2:0 York 1Malone     5342
    23-Jan-16Championship League - M.28Cardiff 2:2 Rotherham 2Simpson     14885
    26-Dec-15League Two League - M.23Dagenham 0:3 Cambridge 1Collins     2425
    28-Nov-15Championship League - M.18QPR 1:0 Leeds 2Bankes     18031
    07FA Cup First Round - M.1Wimbledon 1:2 Forest GR 2Horwood     2465
    31-Oct-15League One League - M.16Millwall 0:0 Bradford 1Johnson     9367
    24League One League - M.15Peterboro 4:0 Doncaster 1Brown, M     6092
    20Championship League - M.12Charlton 0:3 Preston 1Hooper     13586
    03League Two League - M.11Wimbledon 2:0 Barnet 2Ward     4068
    29-Aug-15League Two League - M.5Crawley 0:0 Wycombe 2Swabey     2466
    14-Apr-15Championship League - M.43Brighton 0:0 Huddersfd 2D'Urso     23270
    28-Mar-15League One League - M.39Crawley 1:2 Gillinghm 2Kettle     3570
    21League One League - M.38MK Dons 4:1 Notts Co 2Hill     11911
    17Championship League - M.38Ipswich 1:0 Bolton 2Graham, F     16923
    14-Feb-15League Two League - M.31Wycombe 1:2 Newport 2Bull     3196
    17-Jan-15League Two League - M.26Wimbledon 1:3 Carlisle 1Bull     4186
    29-Dec-14Championship League - M.24Fulham 0:2 Brighton 2Scott, G     20619
    20League Two League - M.21Luton Town 3:0 Newport 2Drysdale     8383
    21-Oct-14Championship League - M.13Watford 2:2 Not.Forest 1Whitestone     16095
    11League Two League - M.12Wimbledon 3:2 Bury 2Ward     4268
    16-Sep-14League One League - M.8Colchestr 2:3 Sheff.Utd 2Langford     3084
    30-Aug-14Championship League - M.5Brighton 2:2 Charlton 2Hill     26189
    03-May-14League One League - M.46Brentford 2:0 Stevenage 2Phillips     11393
    29-Apr-14League One League - M.32Crawley 0:0 Carlisle 2Lewis, R     3271
    26League One League - M.45L Orient 2:0 Tranmere 1Sheldrake     4923
    21Championship League - M.44Millwall 0:0 Doncaster 2Graham, F     12026
    19Championship League - M.43Watford 3:1 Ipswich 1Sutton     16615
    15Championship League - M.25Charlton 1:2 Barnsley 1Williamson     16320
    01League One League - M.31Stevenage 0:0 Wolves 2Whitestone     4660
    29-Mar-14Championship League - M.39Brighton 0:2 Middlsbro 1Scott, G     27486
    11League One League - M.36Colchestr 0:2 Bradford 1Whitestone     2605
    18-Feb-14League One League - M.28MK Dons 0:0 Preston 2Heywood     7279
    11Championship League - M.27Watford 1:0 Birminghm 2Haywood     13904
    07-Dec-13Championship League - M.19Millwall 2:1 Wigan 1Duncan     9519
    23-Nov-13Championship League - M.16Ipswich 1:2 Leicester 2Langford     18227
    26-Oct-13League Two League - M.14Wimbledon 0:2 Oxford U 1Whitestone     4685
    12League One League - M.11L Orient 2:1 MK Dons 2Williamson     6359
    14-Sep-13League Two League - M.7Northmptn 1:2 Exeter 2Lewis, R     4036
    06-Aug-13League Cup First Round - M.1Brentford 3:2 Dagenham 2Miller, P     3586
    05-May-13League Two Play-offs - M.48Cheltnham 0:1 Northmptn 1Madley, A     5955
    30-Apr-13Championship League - M.42Millwall 0:0 C Palace 1Salisbury     12745
    20Championship League - M.44Watford 4:0 Blackburn 2Miller     13775
    06Championship League - M.41Charlton 2:1 Leeds 1Attwell     18900
    19-Feb-13League Two League - M.24Wimbledon 1:1 Northmptn 1Graham, F     4129
    09Championship League - M.31Peterboro 2:1 Leicester 2Scott, G     11070
    26-Jan-13League One League - M.30L Orient 2:1 Notts Co 1Collins     3578
    15FA Cup Third Round - M.6Birminghm 1:2 Leeds 2Woolmer     8962
    12Championship League - M.27Brighton 2:1 Derby 2Williamson     25464
    15-Dec-12Championship League - M.22Millwall 1:0 Leicester 2Hooper     10189
    01Championship League - M.20Watford 4:1 Barnsley 2Graham, F     11335
    20-Nov-12League Two League - M.19Wimbledon 0:4 Southend 2Bond     3753
    03Championship League - M.14Charlton 1:4 Middlsbro 2Scott, G     17736
    09-Oct-12League Trophy Second Round South - M.2L Orient 1:0 Barnet 1Miller, P     1404
    06Championship League - M.10C Palace 4:3 Burnley 2East     20863
    02League One League - M.10Brentford 0:0 Shrewsbry 1Robinson, T     4384
    18-Sep-12Championship League - M.6Watford 0:1 Brighton 2Drysdale     11894
    17-Apr-12Championship League - M.44Ipswich 1:1 Birminghm 2Sheldrake     16503
    09League Two League - M.42Oxford U 2:2 Torquay 2Mohareb     7867
    24-Mar-12League Two League - M.39Crawley 3:0 Rotherham 2Ward     2756
    10League One League - M.36Charlton 2:4 Notts Co 1Malone     17033
    25-Feb-12Championship League - M.33Watford 0:3 Southmptn 1Bates     13424
    14League Two League - M.31Oxford U 2:1 Dagenham 1Waugh     5653
    31-Jan-12Championship League - M.28Ipswich 5:1 West Ham 2Graham, F     22185
    21League Two League - M.27Gillinghm 3:4 Wimbledon 2Malone     6236
    10-Dec-11League One League - M.20L Orient 3:0 Exeter 1D'Urso     4291
    25-Nov-11League Two League - M.19Barnet 2:1 Macclesfd 1Whitestone     2200
    22-Oct-11League Two League - M.14Wimbledon 2:5 Crawley 2Madley, A     4549
    08League One League - M.12Colchestr 2:2 Yeovil 1Sarginson     3521
    27-Aug-11League One League - M.5Brentford 0:2 Tranmere 1Phillips     5381
    24League Cup First Round - M.2West Ham 1:2 Aldershot 1Scott, G     19879
    06League One League - M.1Stevenage 0:0 Exeter 1Ward     3829
    05-Feb-11League Two League - M.31Stevenage 2:2 Accringtn 1D'Urso     2265
    20-Nov-10League Two League - M.17Barnet 4:1 Northmptn 1Tanner     1918
    01-May-10League Two League - M.45Aldershot 3:1 Lincoln C 1Phillips     4506
    17-Apr-10League One League - M.43Southend 0:1 Brighton 2Hooper     8503
    05Championship League - M.42C Palace 3:1 Preston 1East     16642
    20-Mar-10League One League - M.37Wycombe 2:2 Exeter 1Quinn     5054
    27-Feb-10League One League - M.34Bristol R 3:2 Colchestr 1Langford     6023
    09League Two League - M.24Darlington 1:1 Lincoln C 1Haines     1697
    06Championship League - M.29Ipswich 1:1 Middlsbro 1Hill     21243
    23-Jan-10League One League - M.28MK Dons 1:0 Tranmere 2Haywood     9438
    09League One League - M.26Norwich C 3:1 Exeter 1Deadman     24955
    26-Dec-09League One League - M.23Gillinghm 0:1 Brentford 2Graham, F     7019
    19Championship League - M.22QPR 1:1 Sheff.Utd 1Swarbrick     12639
    28-Nov-09Championship League - M.18Peterboro 2:2 Middlsbro 1Phillips     10772
    31-Oct-09Championship League - M.15Ipswich 1:0 Derby 1Taylor, A     20299
    13League One League - M.10Brighton 2:0 Gillinghm 2Scott, G     5960
    19-Sep-09League One League - M.8Colchestr 2:0 Hartlepol 1Woolmer     4259
    12Championship League - M.6C Palace 0:4 Scunthorp 1Hegley     12912
    21-Aug-09League One League - M.4Southend 0:0 Millwall 1Whitestone     8435
    18League One League - M.3Brentford 2:1 Norwich C 2Scott, G     7395
    11League Cup First Round - M.1Wycombe 0:4 Peterboro 2Kettle     2078
    28-Feb-09Championship League - M.35Norwich C 1:2 Coventry 1Taylor, P     24450
    26-Dec-08Championship League - M.25Watford 2:4 Bristol.C 1Graham, F     15527
    23-Aug-08Championship League - M.3C Palace 0:0 Burnley 1Williamson     14071

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