Japan Morikawa

Koji Morikawa

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List of games of linesman Morikawa

Games on database
    30-Nov-24J1-League M.37Machida 1:0 Kyoto 2Nakamura     11541
    09J1-League M.36C Osaka 1:0 Fukuoka 2Ikeuchi     15458
    18-Oct-24J1-League M.34YokohamaM 0:0 Niigata 2Tanimoto     18781
    21-Sep-24J1-League M.31Kashima 0:0 Kashiwa 2Fukushima     21384
    13J1-League M.30YokohamaM 1:2 Kyoto 2Nishimura     10679
    01J1-League M.29Sapporo 2:0 Kawasaki 2Koya     21022
    17-Aug-24J1-League M.27Nagoya 1:2 Hiroshima 2Tanimoto     38219
    11J1-League M.26Tosu 1:1 Urawa 2Nakamura     14972
    20-Jul-24J1-League M.24C Osaka 1:2 Niigata 1Imamura, Y     18468
    14J1-League M.23Nagoya 2:1 Kashiwa 2Iida     31961
    30-Jun-24J1-League M.21Urawa 3:0 Iwata 2Kawamata     32079
    26J1-League M.20Kawasaki 1:1 Shonan 2Shimizu, H     20720
    19J1-League M.13YokohamaM 3:2 Hiroshima 2Ikeuchi     11110
    16J1-League M.18Kashima 1:1 Niigata 2Nishimura     15499
    25-May-24J1-League M.16Kawasaki 1:1 Kashiwa 1Kimura     21598
    19J1-League M.15Shonan 2:1 Niigata 2Sendachi     11427
    15J1-League M.14Machida 2:1 C Osaka 2Araki     6546
    28-Apr-24J1-League M.10Tokyo Vdy 0:0 Fukuoka 2Ikeuchi     15459
    03-Dec-23J1-League M.34Shonan 0:1 FC Tokyo 2Tanimoto     12653
    25-Nov-23J1-League M.33Hiroshima 3:0 G Osaka 2Imamura, Y     29097
    28-Oct-23J1-League M.31Kyoto 0:1 Niigata 2Araki     14673
    29-Sep-23J1-League M.29YokohamaM 0:2 Kobe 2Nishimura     30800
    17J1-League M.27YokohamaC 1:2 Kashiwa 2Nakamura     11516
    25-Aug-23J1-League M.25Shonan 0:1 Urawa 2Iida     10361
    16-Jul-23J1-League M.21FC Tokyo 1:3 Kashima 2Ikeuchi     37014
    11-Jun-23J1-League M.17YokohamaC 0:0 Urawa 2Shimizu, H     10086
    27-May-23J1-League M.15Kyoto 0:2 Urawa 2Mikuriya     15229
    12J1-League M.13FC Tokyo 2:1 Kawasaki 2Nishimura     56705
    03J1-League M.11Tosu 1:3 YokohamaM 2Shimizu, H     11354
    09-Apr-23J1-League M.7Nagoya 0:0 Urawa 2Nishimura     22655
    01J1-League M.6C Osaka 2:1 YokohamaM 2Iida     18955
    19-Mar-23J1-League M.5Hiroshima 1:0 Kashiwa 2Kawamata     15749
    12J1-League M.4FC Tokyo 3:1 YokohamaC 2Ueda     23752
    25-Feb-23J1-League M.2Sapporo 1:3 Kobe 2Koya     17078
    18J1-League M.1Kashiwa 2:2 G Osaka 2Koya     12334
    05-Nov-22J1-League M.34FC Tokyo 2:3 Kawasaki 2Yamamoto     34820
    08-Oct-22J1-League M.32Iwata 3:3 Kashima 2Ueda     9476
    17-Sep-22J1-League M.30Nagoya 0:0 Hiroshima 2Sato     17082
    14J1-League M.26Urawa 0:1 C Osaka 2Nishimura     17390
    19-Aug-22J1-League M.26Nagoya 1:0 Iwata 2Fukushima     21683
    31-Jul-22J1-League M.23Shimizu 3:3 Tosu 2Koya     11823
    16J1-League M.22Shonan 0:0 Fukuoka 2Iida     4997
    09J1-League M.21Iwata 0:1 Kobe 2Kasahara     13256
    25-Jun-22J1-League M.18YokohamaM 4:0 Kashiwa 2Iida     23368
    29-May-22J1-League M.16Kyoto 1:0 Kawasaki 2Tanimoto     17417
    22J1-League M.14Iwata 1:2 Sapporo 2Ueda     8279
    07J1-League M.12Sapporo 1:0 Kyoto 2Kimura     9527
    29-Apr-22J1-League M.10Shimizu 2:2 Hiroshima 2Imamura, Y     9765
    17J1-League M.9Kashima 0:0 Nagoya 2Matsuo     11410
    10J1-League M.8Kyoto 3:1 Tosu 2Imamura, Y     7195
    06-Mar-22J1-League M.3Urawa 2:0 Shonan 2Matsuo     19144
    26-Feb-22J1-League M.2Kashima 0:2 Kawasaki 2Fukushima     27234
    19J1-League M.1Hiroshima 0:0 Tosu 2Imamura, Y     6012
    30-Jul-21J1-League M.4Sapporo 0:2 G Osaka 2Ikeuchi     3845
    17-Apr-21J1-League M.10Fukuoka 1:0 FC Tokyo 2Imamura, Y     4981
    07J1-League M.8Kawasaki 1:0 Tosu 2Yamamoto     9173
    10-Mar-21J1-League M.3Kawasaki 2:0 Tokushima 2Kimura     4853
    27-Feb-21J1-League M.1Urawa 1:1 FC Tokyo 2Kimura     4943
    12-Jul-20J1-League M.4YokohamaC 1:1 Sendai 2Takayama     2235
    04J1-League M.2Kashiwa 0:1 FC Tokyo 2Araki     closed
    22-Feb-20J1-League M.1Sendai 1:1 Nagoya 2Ikeuchi     13968
    31-Aug-19J1-League M.25Matsumoto 0:0 Oita 2Otsubo     16568
    24J1-League M.24Kawasaki 2:2 Shimizu 2Araki     24398
    10J1-League M.22FC Tokyo 1:0 Sendai 2Murakami     28435
    31-Jul-19J1-League M.16Urawa 1:1 Kashima 2Nishimura     37265
    17-Mar-19J1-League M.4Hiroshima 1:0 Matsumoto 2Fukushima     13131
    10J1-League M.3YokohamaM 2:2 Kawasaki 2Iida     36216
    20-Oct-18J1-League M.30FC Tokyo 0:1 C Osaka 2Okabe     28053
    01-Sep-18J1-League M.25Sendai 2:1 Shimizu 2Iemoto     14293
    26-Aug-18J1-League M.24Shonan 0:0 FC Tokyo 2Murakami     13191
    28-Jul-18J1-League M.18Sendai 2:2 C Osaka 2Iemoto     14911
    05-May-18J1-League M.13Sapporo 2:0 G Osaka 2Kubota     12382
    25-Apr-18J1-League M.10FC Tokyo 3:1 Hiroshima 2Imamura, Y     13425
    21J1-League M.9YokohamaM 4:4 Shonan 2Imamura, Y     19117
    03-Mar-18J1-League M.2Kashima 1:0 G Osaka 2Nishimura     24545

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